Хентай игры
Slave Material [Ambivalent-E]
загружено Maiami, 02 января 2012
Вторая 3D флешка с участием двух героинь из FF 7 - Tiffa & Yufiia
Хентай игры
Doushin - Same Heart [Crowd, Peach Princess]
загружено Shannon, 01 января 2012
В этой игре Вы встретитесь с 3 сёстрами Suruga. С тех пор,как их родители умерли, они жили вместе и никогда не ощущали себя одинокими,потому что они были друг у друга.Но они имеют одну необъяснимую особенность: если одна из сестёр испытывает какое-либо чувство,то остальные тоже это чувствуют,независимо где бы они ни были. Например, если одна из них проколет палец, то и у остальных он тоже разболится... если одна чувствует сексуальное возбуждение,то и другие немедленно почувствуют то же самое, не зависимо от того, что с ними происходит. Поскольку это может произойти неизвестно где, девочки попадают в забавные ситуации.
В этой игре вам предстоит играть одновременно за трех девушек, и хотя это комедия, но закончится она может и не очень весело, так что все зависит только от вас...
В этой игре вам предстоит играть одновременно за трех девушек, и хотя это комедия, но закончится она может и не очень весело, так что все зависит только от вас...
FANFARE (Ryoko's HAPPY ending)
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 1 - 12:00 Zap to Maki
2 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: Go to Tennis Club
3 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Ryoko
4 Ryoko Day 1 - 18:10 Event: Ippei rescues Ryoko on train
5 Ryoko Day 2 - 08:10 Event: Ryoko thanks Ippei at station
6 Ryoko Day 4 - 08:15 Choose: Go through Ariake University
7 Ryoko Day 5 - 09:15 Zap to Miho
8 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Go for a walk
9 Miho Day 5 - 12:05 Zap to Ryoko
CASE CLOSED (Ryoko's HAPPY ending)
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Maki
2 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Miho (choose Maki, then Miho, right away)
3 Miho Day 1 - 15:30 Choose: Go with Kei-chan
4 Miho Day 1 - 18:00 Zap to Ryoko
5 Ryoko Day 2 - 17:00 Zap to Maki
6 Maki Day 2 - 18:05 Choose: Invite Ippei for dinner
7 Maki Day 2 - 18:35 Zap to Miho
8 Miho Day 2 - 19:20 Zap to Ryoko
9 Ryoko Day 3 - 17:30 Zap to Miho
10 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose:I couldn't move away
11 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Maki
12 Maki Day 3 - 18:30 Zap to Ryoko
13 Ryoko Day 3 - 19:30 Zap to Miho
14 Miho Day 3 - 19:30 Choose: Answer the door
15 Miho Day 3 - 19:35 Zap to Ryoko
16 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Resist
17 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:35 Zap to Miho
18 Miho Day 5 - 21:55 Zap to Ryoko
19 Ryoko Day 6 - ?? ? Zap to Maki
20 Maki Day 6 - 12:50 Zap to Ryoko
At point 19, zap to Maki when you see the line "I tried again and
again to try to attract the attention of the people outside,
with no success."
TIME LIMIT (Ryoko's BAD ending)
Follow CASE CLOSED ending and at point 19 don't zap to Maki
THE FADING LIGHT (Maki's BAD ending)
Follow TIME LIMIT ending, when you see Natsume after the white flash,zap to Maki
Follow TIME LIMIT ending, when you see Natsume after the white flash,
zap to Miho
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 4 - 08:15 Choose: Wait for another train
2 Ryoko Day 5 - 09:15 Zap to Miho
3 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Go for a walk
4 Miho Day 5 - 13:20 Zap to Ryoko
5 Ryoko Day 5 - 21:00 Zap to Maki
6 Maki Day 5 - 22:30 Zap to Ryoko
7 Ryoko Day 6 - 12:15 Choose: I won't go
8 Ryoko Day 6 - 12:20 Choose: I won't go
9 Ryoko Day 6 - 17:00 Choose: I won't go
At point 5, zap to Miho (instead of Maki) to view Miho's "wet dream scene"
THE LIFE AS A SLAVE (Ryoko's BAD ending)
Follow UNTIMELY DEATH ending, at point 4 zapback to Ryoko at 12:05 and
continue on without any zapping
Follow UNTIMELY DEATH ending, at point 7 choose to go to Natsume's party.
Don't forget to choose all 3 costumes to collect all the CG
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Miho
2 Miho Day 1 - 15:30 Choose: Apologize to Kei-chan
3 Miho Day 1 - 18:00 Zap to Ryoko
4 Ryoko Day 2 - 12:05 Choose: Japanese restaurant
5 Ryoko Day 2 - 17:05 Zap to Miho
6 Miho Day 2 - 17:05 Event: Meet with Hashiba in bookstore
7 Miho Day 2 - 18:35 Zap to Ryoko
8 Ryoko Day 3 - 12:00 Zap to Miho
9 Miho Day 3 - 12:35 Choose: Go to the library
10 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose:I couldn't move away
11 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Ryoko
12 Ryoko Day 4 - 18:05 Zap to Miho
13 Miho Day 4 - 18:15 Zap to Ryoko
14 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Do not Resist
At point 13, zap to Ryoko when you see the CG with Miho's skirt taken off
(and her lying down)
Zap to Maki at the same time to view Kagurazaka+Manager scene
THE BOY (Ryoko's BAD ending)
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 1 - 12:00 Zap to Maki
2 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: I'd rather go shopping
3 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Ryoko
4 Ryoko Day 1 - 18:05 Choose: Resist and shake off the train pervert
5 Ryoko Day 2 - 12:00 Choose: "Italian Place" or "Spicy Ethnic"
6 Ryoko Day 5 - 09:15 Zap to Miho
7 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Go for a walk
8 Miho Day 5 - 13:55 Zap to Ryoko
DARKNESS (Ryoko's BAD ending)
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Do not Resist
2 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:15 Choose: Take the Knife
CRIMSON FLOWER (Ryoko's BAD ending)
Follow UNTIMELY DEATH ending, at point 2 choose not to take the knife
QUARTET (Ryoko's BAD ending)
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Resist
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 5 - 09:15 Zap to Miho
2 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Go for a walk
3 Miho Day 5 - 13:20 Zap to Maki
4 Maki Day 5 - 13:30 Choose: Decide to head home
5 Maki Day 5 - 13:30 Choose: Cut through the park
6 Maki Day 5 - 13:40 Zap to Ryoko
7 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Resist
LOVE DOLL (Maki's BAD ending)
Follow THE SISTERS TOGETHER ending, at point 7 zap to Maki at 20:55
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: Go to Tennis Club
2 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Miho
3 Miho Day 1 - 15:30 Choose: Go with Kei-chan
4 Miho Day 2 - 18:05 Zap to Maki
5 Maki Day 2 - 18:05 Choose: Invite Ippei for dinner
6 Maki Day 2 - 18:35 Zap to Miho
7 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose:I couldn't move away
8 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Maki
9 Maki Day 3 - 19:30 Zap to Miho
10 Miho Day 3 - 19:30 Choose: Answer the door
11 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Stay at home
12 Miho Day 5 - 12:05 Zap to Ryoko
13 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Resist
14 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:35 Zap to Miho
15 Miho Day 5 - 21:55 Zap to Maki
16 Maki Day 6 - 09:00 Zap to Ryoko
17 Ryoko Day 6 - ?? ? Zap to Maki
At point 17, zap to Maki when you see the line
"I tried again and again to try to attract the attention of the people outside,
with no success."
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 12:00 Zap to Miho
2 Miho Day 1 - 12:00 Choose: I nodded to Kei-chan
3 Miho Day 1 - 12:05 Zap to Maki
4 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: Go to tennis club
5 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Ryoko
6 Ryoko Day 2 - 08:10 Zap to Maki
7 Maki Day 2 - 08:15 Choose: Let Ippei touch your breasts
8 Maki Day 2 - 18:05 Choose: Invite Ippei for dinner
9 Maki Day 2 - 19:30 Choose: Can't hold it anymore
10 Maki Day 3 - 17:30 Zap to Miho
11 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose:I couldn't move away
12 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Maki
13 Maki Day 3 - 19:30 Zap to Miho
14 Miho Day 3 - 19:30 Choose: Answer the door
15 Miho Day 3 - 19:35 Zap to Maki
16 Maki Day 4 - 10:15 Choose: Head towards the station
17 Maki Day 4 - 10:30 Choose: Go to the bookstore
18 Maki Day 5 - 11:50 Zap to Miho
19 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Go for a walk
20 Miho Day 5 - 13:20 Zap to Maki
21 Maki Day 5 - 13:30 Choose: Decide to head home
22 Maki Day 5 - 13:30 Choose: Cut through the park
23 Maki Day 5 - 13:40 Zap to Ryoko
24 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Resist
25 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:55 Zap to Maki
26 Maki Day 6 - 08:35 Zap to Ryoko
27 Ryoko Day 6 - ?? ? Zap to Maki
At point 27, zapto Maki when you see the line
"I tried again and again to try to attract the attention of the people outside,
with no success."
After point 9, zap to Ryoko at 19:40 to view scene at restaurant
Zap to Miho at the above time to view scene at living room
IN MY MEMORY (Maki's BAD ending)
Follow LOVE TREATMENT ending, but don't do any zapping on day 3 only
(points 10-15)
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 2 - 12:45 Choose: Go play tennis
2 Maki Day 3 - 09:10 Event: Kagurazaka sits besides you in class
3 Maki Day 3 - 09:10 Zap to Ryoko
4 Ryoko Day 3 - 09:20 Choose: Fix the documents
5 Ryoko Day 3 - 09:55 Zap to Miho
6 Miho Day 3 - 09:55 Zap to Maki
7 Maki Day 4 - 16:45 Event: Kagurazaka works in the store
8 Maki Day 4 - 18:30 Choose: Ask Kagurazaka what she did
9 Maki Day 6 - 12:35 Choose: Go to club
At point 6, zap to Ryoko to view scene in reference room
Zap to Miho at the above time to view scene in classroom
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 2 - 12:45 Choose: I'll pass
2 Maki Day 4 - 18:30 Choose: Ignore Kagurazaka
3 Maki Day 6 - 12:35 Choose: Go to club
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 12:00 Zap to Miho
2 Miho Day 1 - 12:00 Choose: I nodded to Miho
3 Miho Day 1 - 12:05 Zap to Maki
4 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: Go to tennis club
5 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Ryoko
6 Ryoko Day 2 - 08:10 Zap to Maki
7 Maki Day 2 - 08:15 Choose: Let Ippei touch your breasts
8 Maki Day 2 - 18:05 Choose: Invite Ippei for dinner
9 Maki Day 2 - 19:30 Choose: I can't hold it anymore
10 Maki Day 3 - 17:30 Zap to Miho
11 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose: I can't walk away
12 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Maki
13 Maki Day 3 - 19:30 Zap to Miho
14 Maki Day 3 - 19:30 Answer the door **** or don't
15 Miho Day 3 - 19:35 Zap to Maki
16 Maki Day 4 - 10:15 Choose: Head towards the station
17 Maki Day 4 - 10:30 Choose: Go to the bookstore
18 Maki Day 6 - 12:35 Choose: Skip club
19 Maki Day 6 - 14:30 Choose: Sure, why not?
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 1 - 12:00 Choose: I nodded to Kei-chan
2 Miho Day 2 - 12:40 Choose: Go to the library
3 Miho Day 2 - 16:10 Choose: No, thanks
4 Miho Day 2 - 16:40 Choose: Go to the bookstore at the station
5 Miho Day 3 - 08:30 Event: Copy Nashimoto's homework
6 Miho Day 3 - 12:35 Choose: Stay at the classroom
7 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose: I couldn't move away
8 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Ryoko
9 Ryoko Day 3 - 18:00 Zap to Miho
10 Miho Day 4 - 08:35 Zap to Maki
11 Maki Day 4 - 09:25 Zap to Ryoko
12 Ryoko Day 4 - 09:35 Zap to Miho
13 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Go for a walk
14 Miho Day 5 - 13:00 Event: Talk with Nashimoto
At 9:25 on day 4 (just before point 12) zap to Maki to get shower scene
A WARM FEELING (Miho's HAPPY ending)
Follow A FARAWAY DREAM ending, but after point 7 don't do any zapping
(stay as Miho) for the rest of the game
!!!This ending does not get recorded in the save/load file's AUTO section!!!
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 1 - 12:00 Choose: I nodded to Kei-chan
2 Miho Day 2 - 07:45 Zap to Ryoko
3 Ryoko Day 2 - 08:15 Event: Ryoko bumps into Nashimoto
4 Ryoko Day 2 - 12:00 Zap to Miho
5 Miho Day 2 - 12:40 Choose: Go to the library
6 Miho Day 2 - 16:10 Choose: No, thanks
7 Miho Day 2 - 16:40 Choose: Go to the bookstore at the station
8 Miho Day 3 - 08:30 Event: Copy Nashimoto's homework
9 Miho Day 3 - 12:35 Choose: Stay at the classroom
10 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose: I couldn't move away
11 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Ryoko
12 Ryoko Day 4 - 09:35 Zap to Miho
13 Miho Day 4 - 18:55 Zap to Maki
14 Maki Day 4 - 18:55 Event: Nashimoto buys dinner at store
15 Maki Day 5 - 07:10 Zap to Miho
16 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Stay at home
BUSY IN LOVE (Miho's NORMAL ending)
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 1 - 15:30 Choose: Apologize
2 Miho Day 2 - 12:40 Choose: Go to the washroom
3 Miho Day 2 - 16:10 Choose: Sure, I'd love to
4 Miho Day 3 - 12:35 Choose: Go to the library
5 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Stay at home
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 6 - 7:50 Zap to Maki
2 Maki Day 6 - 12:35 Choose: Skip club
3 Maki Day 6 - 14:30 Choose: Don't go to Cham's place
4 Maki Day 6 - 17:30 Zap to Miho
RAISED AS PETS (Miho's BAD ending)
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Stay at home
2 Miho Day 5 - 12:55 Zap to Ryoko
3 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Resist
4 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:35 Zap to Miho
The following charts help you to collect scenes that are not mentioned in the
above ending walkthrough.If you encounter any choice decisions not mentioned
in the chart, any choice will suffice.
*Ryoko's break room scene with Natsume
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 3 - 09:20 Choose: Pour tea
2 Ryoko Day 3 - 09:40 Zap to Maki
3 Maki Day 3 - 09:40 Choose: Take a little peek
4 Maki Day 3 - 09:45 Zap to Ryoko
At point 4, zap to Miho to view toilet scene
Don't zap after point 3 (stay as Maki) to view lecture room scene
*Maki masturbating in the room
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 12:00 Zap to Miho
2 Miho Day 1 - 12:00 Choose: I nodded to Kei-chan right?
3 Miho Day 1 - 12:05 Zap to Maki
4 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: Go to club
5 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Ryoko
6 Ryoko Day 2 - 08:10 Zap to Maki
7 Maki Day 2 - 08:15 Choose: Let Ippei touch your breasts
8 Maki Day 2 - 18:05 Choose: Invite Ippei for dinner
9 Maki Day 2 - 19:30 Choose: Try to endure for a bit
10 Maki Day 2 - 19:40 Zap to Ryoko
11 Ryoko Day 2 - 19:40 Zap to Maki
At point 10, you can zap to Ryoko once Maki returns to her room and Ryoko's
zapping button goes back on again, then at point 11 zap back a few lines
after Ryoko starts to get turned on.
*Cham seducing Ippei
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: I'd rather go shopping
2 Maki Day 2 - 08:15 Choose: Let Ippei touch your breasts
3 Maki Day 2 - 12:45 Choose: Skip club
4 Maki Day 2 - 13:05 Choose: Check on Ippei
5 Maki Day 2 - 18:05 Choose: Invite Ippei for dinner
6 Maki Day 2 - 19:30 Choose: Try to endure for a bit
7 Maki Day 4 - 10:15 Choose: Head towards the station
8 Maki Day 4 - 10:30 Choose: Go to the bookstore
9 Maki Day 6 - 12:35 Choose: Skip club
10 Maki Day 6 - 14:30 Choose: Sure, why not?
You can get Maki's NORMAL ending A MOMENT OF CALM of you go on after point 10
*Miho in the nurse room
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 1 - 15:30 Choose: Apologize
2 Miho Day 2 - 12:40 Choose: Go to the washroom
3 Miho Day 2 - 16:10 Choose: Go with Kei-chan
4 Miho Day 3 - 12:35 Choose: Go to the library
5 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose: I can't walk away
6 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Ryoko
7 Ryoko Day 4 - 09:35 Zap to Miho
The following charts help you pick up images that are difficult to find
(or easy to miss), or images that you may not encounter if you have been
strictly following the above charts only. These include miscellaneous
background images and standing pose/facial expression images of characters.
If you encounter any choice decisions not mentioned in the chart, any choice
will suffice.
*If you watch the whole thing without skipping it (pressing any buttons or
keys), 8 images will be added
If you watch the HAPPY ending animation without skipping it (pressing any
buttons or keys), 4 images will be added for each girl.
Miho getting burnt on the legs
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 1 - 07:20 Choose: Are you falling in love?
2 Ryoko Day 1 - 07:20 Zap to Miho
3 Miho Day 1 - 07:25 Zap to Maki
4 Maki Day 1 - 07:25 Zap to Miho and Ryoko
At point 3, zap just after the CG changes to a towel on Miho's thigh
At point 4, zap immediately when the background changes to the front
entrance/stairs At point 2, after zapping to Miho, advance a couple of
lines, zap back to Ryoko to collect standing pose images
Make sure you zap to BOTH Miho and Ryoko (on 2 different tries) to
collect images. If you zap to Ryoko after point 4, make sure you
check all choices thereafter to collect images.
Ryoko in working clothes
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 2 - 12:00 Choose: "Italian place" or "Spice Ethnic"
2 Ryoko Day 2 - 12:10 Zap to Maki
3 Maki Day 2 - 12:45 Choose: Skip club
4 Maki Day 2 - 12:55 Zap to Ryoko
5 Ryoko Day 2 - 13:05 Zap to Maki
6 Maki Day 2 - 13:05 Choose: Go to the shopping district
Collects a few standing poses in Ryoko's working clothes
Lunch with Natsume and Misaki
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 1 - 12:00 Choose: I nodded to Kei-chan
2 Miho Day 1 - 12:05 Zap to Ryoko
Collects facial expressions for Natsume and Misaki
Police Department
and don't zap to Ryoko on Day 6 in the morning (when she is captured)
Stay as Maki in the hospital on Day 6 to collect images of the policeman and
background images of the Police Department
Continue on as Maki (without zapping) to also collect images of the detective
Maki enraged
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 5 - 07:10 Choose: Tell Maki to shut up
2 Miho Day 5 - 07:10 Zap to Ryoko
Collects Maki's facial expression
Cham in the tennis court
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: Go to club
Collects Cham's facial expressions
Maki after shower
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 19:00 Zap to Ryoko
2 Ryoko Day 1 - 19:05 Choose: Admit it
Collects Maki's standing pose images wearing a towel
Miho in pajamas
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 3 - 06:55 Choose: "Wake up Ryoko" or "Wake up Maki"
2 Miho Day 3 - 07:05 Zap to Ryoko or Maki
Basically go wake up both girls (on 2 different tries) and zap the
corresponding "sleeper" to collect Miho's standing pose image in pajamas
Maki in pajamas
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 5 - 07:00 Choose: Think about it for a while
2 Maki Day 5 - 07:05 Zap to Ryoko
Collects Maki's standing pose images in pajamas. Make sure you continue the
scene until they go out for work
Three Sisters Together
Character Time Action
Go through the PEASANTRY HAPPINESS ending, switching to Ryoko after Maki
arrives to look for her, and go to the end.
Maki cooking
Make sure you view Miho from Maki's point of view when Maki cooks on the
2nd day
Maki after being burned
On the first day when Miho gets burned, make sure you look at her from Ryoko's
point of view (to get her standing pose)
FANFARE (Ryoko's HAPPY ending)
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 1 - 12:00 Zap to Maki
2 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: Go to Tennis Club
3 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Ryoko
4 Ryoko Day 1 - 18:10 Event: Ippei rescues Ryoko on train
5 Ryoko Day 2 - 08:10 Event: Ryoko thanks Ippei at station
6 Ryoko Day 4 - 08:15 Choose: Go through Ariake University
7 Ryoko Day 5 - 09:15 Zap to Miho
8 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Go for a walk
9 Miho Day 5 - 12:05 Zap to Ryoko
CASE CLOSED (Ryoko's HAPPY ending)
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Maki
2 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Miho (choose Maki, then Miho, right away)
3 Miho Day 1 - 15:30 Choose: Go with Kei-chan
4 Miho Day 1 - 18:00 Zap to Ryoko
5 Ryoko Day 2 - 17:00 Zap to Maki
6 Maki Day 2 - 18:05 Choose: Invite Ippei for dinner
7 Maki Day 2 - 18:35 Zap to Miho
8 Miho Day 2 - 19:20 Zap to Ryoko
9 Ryoko Day 3 - 17:30 Zap to Miho
10 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose:I couldn't move away
11 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Maki
12 Maki Day 3 - 18:30 Zap to Ryoko
13 Ryoko Day 3 - 19:30 Zap to Miho
14 Miho Day 3 - 19:30 Choose: Answer the door
15 Miho Day 3 - 19:35 Zap to Ryoko
16 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Resist
17 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:35 Zap to Miho
18 Miho Day 5 - 21:55 Zap to Ryoko
19 Ryoko Day 6 - ?? ? Zap to Maki
20 Maki Day 6 - 12:50 Zap to Ryoko
At point 19, zap to Maki when you see the line "I tried again and
again to try to attract the attention of the people outside,
with no success."
TIME LIMIT (Ryoko's BAD ending)
Follow CASE CLOSED ending and at point 19 don't zap to Maki
THE FADING LIGHT (Maki's BAD ending)
Follow TIME LIMIT ending, when you see Natsume after the white flash,zap to Maki
Follow TIME LIMIT ending, when you see Natsume after the white flash,
zap to Miho
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 4 - 08:15 Choose: Wait for another train
2 Ryoko Day 5 - 09:15 Zap to Miho
3 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Go for a walk
4 Miho Day 5 - 13:20 Zap to Ryoko
5 Ryoko Day 5 - 21:00 Zap to Maki
6 Maki Day 5 - 22:30 Zap to Ryoko
7 Ryoko Day 6 - 12:15 Choose: I won't go
8 Ryoko Day 6 - 12:20 Choose: I won't go
9 Ryoko Day 6 - 17:00 Choose: I won't go
At point 5, zap to Miho (instead of Maki) to view Miho's "wet dream scene"
THE LIFE AS A SLAVE (Ryoko's BAD ending)
Follow UNTIMELY DEATH ending, at point 4 zapback to Ryoko at 12:05 and
continue on without any zapping
Follow UNTIMELY DEATH ending, at point 7 choose to go to Natsume's party.
Don't forget to choose all 3 costumes to collect all the CG
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Miho
2 Miho Day 1 - 15:30 Choose: Apologize to Kei-chan
3 Miho Day 1 - 18:00 Zap to Ryoko
4 Ryoko Day 2 - 12:05 Choose: Japanese restaurant
5 Ryoko Day 2 - 17:05 Zap to Miho
6 Miho Day 2 - 17:05 Event: Meet with Hashiba in bookstore
7 Miho Day 2 - 18:35 Zap to Ryoko
8 Ryoko Day 3 - 12:00 Zap to Miho
9 Miho Day 3 - 12:35 Choose: Go to the library
10 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose:I couldn't move away
11 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Ryoko
12 Ryoko Day 4 - 18:05 Zap to Miho
13 Miho Day 4 - 18:15 Zap to Ryoko
14 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Do not Resist
At point 13, zap to Ryoko when you see the CG with Miho's skirt taken off
(and her lying down)
Zap to Maki at the same time to view Kagurazaka+Manager scene
THE BOY (Ryoko's BAD ending)
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 1 - 12:00 Zap to Maki
2 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: I'd rather go shopping
3 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Ryoko
4 Ryoko Day 1 - 18:05 Choose: Resist and shake off the train pervert
5 Ryoko Day 2 - 12:00 Choose: "Italian Place" or "Spicy Ethnic"
6 Ryoko Day 5 - 09:15 Zap to Miho
7 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Go for a walk
8 Miho Day 5 - 13:55 Zap to Ryoko
DARKNESS (Ryoko's BAD ending)
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Do not Resist
2 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:15 Choose: Take the Knife
CRIMSON FLOWER (Ryoko's BAD ending)
Follow UNTIMELY DEATH ending, at point 2 choose not to take the knife
QUARTET (Ryoko's BAD ending)
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Resist
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 5 - 09:15 Zap to Miho
2 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Go for a walk
3 Miho Day 5 - 13:20 Zap to Maki
4 Maki Day 5 - 13:30 Choose: Decide to head home
5 Maki Day 5 - 13:30 Choose: Cut through the park
6 Maki Day 5 - 13:40 Zap to Ryoko
7 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Resist
LOVE DOLL (Maki's BAD ending)
Follow THE SISTERS TOGETHER ending, at point 7 zap to Maki at 20:55
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: Go to Tennis Club
2 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Miho
3 Miho Day 1 - 15:30 Choose: Go with Kei-chan
4 Miho Day 2 - 18:05 Zap to Maki
5 Maki Day 2 - 18:05 Choose: Invite Ippei for dinner
6 Maki Day 2 - 18:35 Zap to Miho
7 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose:I couldn't move away
8 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Maki
9 Maki Day 3 - 19:30 Zap to Miho
10 Miho Day 3 - 19:30 Choose: Answer the door
11 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Stay at home
12 Miho Day 5 - 12:05 Zap to Ryoko
13 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Resist
14 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:35 Zap to Miho
15 Miho Day 5 - 21:55 Zap to Maki
16 Maki Day 6 - 09:00 Zap to Ryoko
17 Ryoko Day 6 - ?? ? Zap to Maki
At point 17, zap to Maki when you see the line
"I tried again and again to try to attract the attention of the people outside,
with no success."
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 12:00 Zap to Miho
2 Miho Day 1 - 12:00 Choose: I nodded to Kei-chan
3 Miho Day 1 - 12:05 Zap to Maki
4 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: Go to tennis club
5 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Ryoko
6 Ryoko Day 2 - 08:10 Zap to Maki
7 Maki Day 2 - 08:15 Choose: Let Ippei touch your breasts
8 Maki Day 2 - 18:05 Choose: Invite Ippei for dinner
9 Maki Day 2 - 19:30 Choose: Can't hold it anymore
10 Maki Day 3 - 17:30 Zap to Miho
11 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose:I couldn't move away
12 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Maki
13 Maki Day 3 - 19:30 Zap to Miho
14 Miho Day 3 - 19:30 Choose: Answer the door
15 Miho Day 3 - 19:35 Zap to Maki
16 Maki Day 4 - 10:15 Choose: Head towards the station
17 Maki Day 4 - 10:30 Choose: Go to the bookstore
18 Maki Day 5 - 11:50 Zap to Miho
19 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Go for a walk
20 Miho Day 5 - 13:20 Zap to Maki
21 Maki Day 5 - 13:30 Choose: Decide to head home
22 Maki Day 5 - 13:30 Choose: Cut through the park
23 Maki Day 5 - 13:40 Zap to Ryoko
24 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Resist
25 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:55 Zap to Maki
26 Maki Day 6 - 08:35 Zap to Ryoko
27 Ryoko Day 6 - ?? ? Zap to Maki
At point 27, zapto Maki when you see the line
"I tried again and again to try to attract the attention of the people outside,
with no success."
After point 9, zap to Ryoko at 19:40 to view scene at restaurant
Zap to Miho at the above time to view scene at living room
IN MY MEMORY (Maki's BAD ending)
Follow LOVE TREATMENT ending, but don't do any zapping on day 3 only
(points 10-15)
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 2 - 12:45 Choose: Go play tennis
2 Maki Day 3 - 09:10 Event: Kagurazaka sits besides you in class
3 Maki Day 3 - 09:10 Zap to Ryoko
4 Ryoko Day 3 - 09:20 Choose: Fix the documents
5 Ryoko Day 3 - 09:55 Zap to Miho
6 Miho Day 3 - 09:55 Zap to Maki
7 Maki Day 4 - 16:45 Event: Kagurazaka works in the store
8 Maki Day 4 - 18:30 Choose: Ask Kagurazaka what she did
9 Maki Day 6 - 12:35 Choose: Go to club
At point 6, zap to Ryoko to view scene in reference room
Zap to Miho at the above time to view scene in classroom
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 2 - 12:45 Choose: I'll pass
2 Maki Day 4 - 18:30 Choose: Ignore Kagurazaka
3 Maki Day 6 - 12:35 Choose: Go to club
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 12:00 Zap to Miho
2 Miho Day 1 - 12:00 Choose: I nodded to Miho
3 Miho Day 1 - 12:05 Zap to Maki
4 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: Go to tennis club
5 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Ryoko
6 Ryoko Day 2 - 08:10 Zap to Maki
7 Maki Day 2 - 08:15 Choose: Let Ippei touch your breasts
8 Maki Day 2 - 18:05 Choose: Invite Ippei for dinner
9 Maki Day 2 - 19:30 Choose: I can't hold it anymore
10 Maki Day 3 - 17:30 Zap to Miho
11 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose: I can't walk away
12 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Maki
13 Maki Day 3 - 19:30 Zap to Miho
14 Maki Day 3 - 19:30 Answer the door **** or don't
15 Miho Day 3 - 19:35 Zap to Maki
16 Maki Day 4 - 10:15 Choose: Head towards the station
17 Maki Day 4 - 10:30 Choose: Go to the bookstore
18 Maki Day 6 - 12:35 Choose: Skip club
19 Maki Day 6 - 14:30 Choose: Sure, why not?
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 1 - 12:00 Choose: I nodded to Kei-chan
2 Miho Day 2 - 12:40 Choose: Go to the library
3 Miho Day 2 - 16:10 Choose: No, thanks
4 Miho Day 2 - 16:40 Choose: Go to the bookstore at the station
5 Miho Day 3 - 08:30 Event: Copy Nashimoto's homework
6 Miho Day 3 - 12:35 Choose: Stay at the classroom
7 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose: I couldn't move away
8 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Ryoko
9 Ryoko Day 3 - 18:00 Zap to Miho
10 Miho Day 4 - 08:35 Zap to Maki
11 Maki Day 4 - 09:25 Zap to Ryoko
12 Ryoko Day 4 - 09:35 Zap to Miho
13 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Go for a walk
14 Miho Day 5 - 13:00 Event: Talk with Nashimoto
At 9:25 on day 4 (just before point 12) zap to Maki to get shower scene
A WARM FEELING (Miho's HAPPY ending)
Follow A FARAWAY DREAM ending, but after point 7 don't do any zapping
(stay as Miho) for the rest of the game
!!!This ending does not get recorded in the save/load file's AUTO section!!!
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 1 - 12:00 Choose: I nodded to Kei-chan
2 Miho Day 2 - 07:45 Zap to Ryoko
3 Ryoko Day 2 - 08:15 Event: Ryoko bumps into Nashimoto
4 Ryoko Day 2 - 12:00 Zap to Miho
5 Miho Day 2 - 12:40 Choose: Go to the library
6 Miho Day 2 - 16:10 Choose: No, thanks
7 Miho Day 2 - 16:40 Choose: Go to the bookstore at the station
8 Miho Day 3 - 08:30 Event: Copy Nashimoto's homework
9 Miho Day 3 - 12:35 Choose: Stay at the classroom
10 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose: I couldn't move away
11 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Ryoko
12 Ryoko Day 4 - 09:35 Zap to Miho
13 Miho Day 4 - 18:55 Zap to Maki
14 Maki Day 4 - 18:55 Event: Nashimoto buys dinner at store
15 Maki Day 5 - 07:10 Zap to Miho
16 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Stay at home
BUSY IN LOVE (Miho's NORMAL ending)
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 1 - 15:30 Choose: Apologize
2 Miho Day 2 - 12:40 Choose: Go to the washroom
3 Miho Day 2 - 16:10 Choose: Sure, I'd love to
4 Miho Day 3 - 12:35 Choose: Go to the library
5 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Stay at home
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 6 - 7:50 Zap to Maki
2 Maki Day 6 - 12:35 Choose: Skip club
3 Maki Day 6 - 14:30 Choose: Don't go to Cham's place
4 Maki Day 6 - 17:30 Zap to Miho
RAISED AS PETS (Miho's BAD ending)
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 5 - 11:50 Choose: Stay at home
2 Miho Day 5 - 12:55 Zap to Ryoko
3 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:05 Choose: Resist
4 Ryoko Day 5 - 20:35 Zap to Miho
The following charts help you to collect scenes that are not mentioned in the
above ending walkthrough.If you encounter any choice decisions not mentioned
in the chart, any choice will suffice.
*Ryoko's break room scene with Natsume
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 3 - 09:20 Choose: Pour tea
2 Ryoko Day 3 - 09:40 Zap to Maki
3 Maki Day 3 - 09:40 Choose: Take a little peek
4 Maki Day 3 - 09:45 Zap to Ryoko
At point 4, zap to Miho to view toilet scene
Don't zap after point 3 (stay as Maki) to view lecture room scene
*Maki masturbating in the room
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 12:00 Zap to Miho
2 Miho Day 1 - 12:00 Choose: I nodded to Kei-chan right?
3 Miho Day 1 - 12:05 Zap to Maki
4 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: Go to club
5 Maki Day 1 - 13:00 Zap to Ryoko
6 Ryoko Day 2 - 08:10 Zap to Maki
7 Maki Day 2 - 08:15 Choose: Let Ippei touch your breasts
8 Maki Day 2 - 18:05 Choose: Invite Ippei for dinner
9 Maki Day 2 - 19:30 Choose: Try to endure for a bit
10 Maki Day 2 - 19:40 Zap to Ryoko
11 Ryoko Day 2 - 19:40 Zap to Maki
At point 10, you can zap to Ryoko once Maki returns to her room and Ryoko's
zapping button goes back on again, then at point 11 zap back a few lines
after Ryoko starts to get turned on.
*Cham seducing Ippei
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: I'd rather go shopping
2 Maki Day 2 - 08:15 Choose: Let Ippei touch your breasts
3 Maki Day 2 - 12:45 Choose: Skip club
4 Maki Day 2 - 13:05 Choose: Check on Ippei
5 Maki Day 2 - 18:05 Choose: Invite Ippei for dinner
6 Maki Day 2 - 19:30 Choose: Try to endure for a bit
7 Maki Day 4 - 10:15 Choose: Head towards the station
8 Maki Day 4 - 10:30 Choose: Go to the bookstore
9 Maki Day 6 - 12:35 Choose: Skip club
10 Maki Day 6 - 14:30 Choose: Sure, why not?
You can get Maki's NORMAL ending A MOMENT OF CALM of you go on after point 10
*Miho in the nurse room
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 1 - 15:30 Choose: Apologize
2 Miho Day 2 - 12:40 Choose: Go to the washroom
3 Miho Day 2 - 16:10 Choose: Go with Kei-chan
4 Miho Day 3 - 12:35 Choose: Go to the library
5 Miho Day 3 - 17:30 Choose: I can't walk away
6 Miho Day 3 - 17:35 Zap to Ryoko
7 Ryoko Day 4 - 09:35 Zap to Miho
The following charts help you pick up images that are difficult to find
(or easy to miss), or images that you may not encounter if you have been
strictly following the above charts only. These include miscellaneous
background images and standing pose/facial expression images of characters.
If you encounter any choice decisions not mentioned in the chart, any choice
will suffice.
*If you watch the whole thing without skipping it (pressing any buttons or
keys), 8 images will be added
If you watch the HAPPY ending animation without skipping it (pressing any
buttons or keys), 4 images will be added for each girl.
Miho getting burnt on the legs
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 1 - 07:20 Choose: Are you falling in love?
2 Ryoko Day 1 - 07:20 Zap to Miho
3 Miho Day 1 - 07:25 Zap to Maki
4 Maki Day 1 - 07:25 Zap to Miho and Ryoko
At point 3, zap just after the CG changes to a towel on Miho's thigh
At point 4, zap immediately when the background changes to the front
entrance/stairs At point 2, after zapping to Miho, advance a couple of
lines, zap back to Ryoko to collect standing pose images
Make sure you zap to BOTH Miho and Ryoko (on 2 different tries) to
collect images. If you zap to Ryoko after point 4, make sure you
check all choices thereafter to collect images.
Ryoko in working clothes
Character Time Action
1 Ryoko Day 2 - 12:00 Choose: "Italian place" or "Spice Ethnic"
2 Ryoko Day 2 - 12:10 Zap to Maki
3 Maki Day 2 - 12:45 Choose: Skip club
4 Maki Day 2 - 12:55 Zap to Ryoko
5 Ryoko Day 2 - 13:05 Zap to Maki
6 Maki Day 2 - 13:05 Choose: Go to the shopping district
Collects a few standing poses in Ryoko's working clothes
Lunch with Natsume and Misaki
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 1 - 12:00 Choose: I nodded to Kei-chan
2 Miho Day 1 - 12:05 Zap to Ryoko
Collects facial expressions for Natsume and Misaki
Police Department
and don't zap to Ryoko on Day 6 in the morning (when she is captured)
Stay as Maki in the hospital on Day 6 to collect images of the policeman and
background images of the Police Department
Continue on as Maki (without zapping) to also collect images of the detective
Maki enraged
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 5 - 07:10 Choose: Tell Maki to shut up
2 Miho Day 5 - 07:10 Zap to Ryoko
Collects Maki's facial expression
Cham in the tennis court
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 12:30 Choose: Go to club
Collects Cham's facial expressions
Maki after shower
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 1 - 19:00 Zap to Ryoko
2 Ryoko Day 1 - 19:05 Choose: Admit it
Collects Maki's standing pose images wearing a towel
Miho in pajamas
Character Time Action
1 Miho Day 3 - 06:55 Choose: "Wake up Ryoko" or "Wake up Maki"
2 Miho Day 3 - 07:05 Zap to Ryoko or Maki
Basically go wake up both girls (on 2 different tries) and zap the
corresponding "sleeper" to collect Miho's standing pose image in pajamas
Maki in pajamas
Character Time Action
1 Maki Day 5 - 07:00 Choose: Think about it for a while
2 Maki Day 5 - 07:05 Zap to Ryoko
Collects Maki's standing pose images in pajamas. Make sure you continue the
scene until they go out for work
Three Sisters Together
Character Time Action
Go through the PEASANTRY HAPPINESS ending, switching to Ryoko after Maki
arrives to look for her, and go to the end.
Maki cooking
Make sure you view Miho from Maki's point of view when Maki cooks on the
2nd day
Maki after being burned
On the first day when Miho gets burned, make sure you look at her from Ryoko's
point of view (to get her standing pose)
загружено Хентай-тян, 01 января 2012
В приличных играх герою-скромняге нужно завоевать внимание нравящейся ему девушки (вариант: нравящихся девушек). В неприличных — много и настойчиво совершать хвостатым грызуном поступательные движения туда, сюда и обратно. В Secret Wives Club не нужно думать, все равно дадут, и не один раз. Три неудовлетворенные женушки, с которыми мы будем заниматься на протяжении игры, заявляют свои претензии в самом начале первой… хм… заставки. В дальнейшем на горизонте не возникает ни одного "разговорного" выбора, развитие событий предстоит указывать естественным и явным образом.
Сюжет прост - 3 дамочки решили скинуться на учителья-методиста сэкса. И надо признать обучаются этому нелегкому ремеслу с полной отдачей. Никакой интриги и никакого интереса... если бы не "уроки". Нам сразу дается учебный план занятий с каждой из девушек. Два часа — грудь, три — анус и "сервис" (догадайтесь сами), четыре — BDSM. У каждой своя программа. Выбирая занятие на вечер, игрок заранее знает, чем развеселит себя скучающий персонаж. Кажущаяся простой схема разнообразит геймплей намного более эффективно, чем обычное двоичное дерево событий. Приходится решать, в каком порядке кого, куда и сколько.
Особенности игры:
-Нелинейный сюжет позволит герою добраться до финала несколькими по-разному увлекательными способами;
-Три прелестные героини, каждая из которых входит в тайный клуб наслаждений;
-Точный перевод диалогов и сохраненная для настоящих ценителей оригинальная японская озвучка;
-Абсолютное отсутствие цензуры!
Сюжет прост - 3 дамочки решили скинуться на учителья-методиста сэкса. И надо признать обучаются этому нелегкому ремеслу с полной отдачей. Никакой интриги и никакого интереса... если бы не "уроки". Нам сразу дается учебный план занятий с каждой из девушек. Два часа — грудь, три — анус и "сервис" (догадайтесь сами), четыре — BDSM. У каждой своя программа. Выбирая занятие на вечер, игрок заранее знает, чем развеселит себя скучающий персонаж. Кажущаяся простой схема разнообразит геймплей намного более эффективно, чем обычное двоичное дерево событий. Приходится решать, в каком порядке кого, куда и сколько.
Особенности игры:
-Нелинейный сюжет позволит герою добраться до финала несколькими по-разному увлекательными способами;
-Три прелестные героини, каждая из которых входит в тайный клуб наслаждений;
-Точный перевод диалогов и сохраненная для настоящих ценителей оригинальная японская озвучка;
-Абсолютное отсутствие цензуры!
Hitozuma Hime Club
-Secret Wives' Club-
Copyright 2003 by SEKILALA and G-Collections.com
Ben Woodhouse
October 3, 2006
Version 1.00
******************************CONTENT DISCLAIMER*******************************
Hitozuma Hime Club -Secret Wives' Club- is an adult bishoujo game, meaning it
contains sex. Therefore it is intended solely for people over the age of 18.
If you are of age and still find such material objectionable, then you probably
have no interest in playing this game or reading this FAQ.
G-Collections offers a wide selection of bishoujo games!
Visit their website : www.g-collections.com
i. Introduction
ii. System Requirements
iii. Characters
iv. Game Credits
v. Walkthrough
A. Chisato Takasugi
B. Nana Kawasaki
C. Kagari Oishi
D. Harem
E. Other CG's
vi. Version History
vii. Copyright Information
Issei Ozaki's new job is pressure-packed. He's been charged with guiding a
lackluster high school student into a prestigious college. The kid's dad is
a wealthy and influential man. The kid's mom, well, Issei slept with her.
Yeah, a few weeks ago he took a trip to Bali to hook up with some hot chicks,
and that when he met her, Chisato Takasugi.
To Issei's surprise, Chisato's delighted to see him again. In fact, she can't
wait to introduce him to a couple of her closest friends; they're all dying to
get a taste of his services. Forgot those books and entrance exams, these
three ladies want lessons in the ways of sexual pleasure.
How can Issei resist? Hitozuma Hime Club gives you the choice of how Issei
will allocate his limited time training his new pupils. Without a plan it
could end in disaster, but with careful execution, Issei could steal a wife of
his own. Or more. Good luck achieving all the endings!
Straight from the back of the box, here are the system requirements:
Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP/Me/98/2000
Mouse(or other pointing device)
Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
-------------------- ------------------------
CPU Pentium II/ 233MHz Pentium II/ 300MHz
Memory 64 MB or higher 96 MB or higher
Display 640 X 480 HighColor 24bit TrueColor or higher
CD-ROM 8X or higher 12X or higher
Sound MIDI DirectSound compatible source
Issei Ozaki
Do you think Issei should feel guilty for carrying on affairs with three
married women? He doesn't have the time. But Issei does seem like a decent
fellow; he's sensitive enough where it's clear he has some concern for his
Chisato Takasugi
Chisato's already on the same wavelength as Issei. After all, she hooked up
with him in Bali, so more adultery isn't a problem. Her marriage has been
rocky for a while, though, and maybe Issei is someone to whom she can reveal
her soul. Her body's a different story; she'll show that to anyone. (She's
a bit of an exhibitionist.)
Nana Kawasaki
Nana's marriage was arranged, plus her husband takes part in a rather unique
and disgusting pasttime, so maybe it's understandable that she's not satisfied
in bed. However, given that she looks meek and acts shy, it is a surprise that
she's willing to jump in bed with a stranger to do something about it.
Kagari Oishi
Kagari married an older man. A much older man. He's not always interested
in sex. She is. Kagari's really curious, and she's willing to try everything
new, especially if it involves toys.
Considering many of the same people are involved in some of these games, their
names are interesting to know.
--<- Direction/Production ->--
Director ............................... S-Mori
Assistant Director ............................... Ros=Rodrigoez
Game Design ............................... S-Mori
Scenario ............................... TEAM NGX
--<- Art ->--
Character Design ............................... Tettechi
Graphic Chief ............................... take-me
--<- Voice Acting ->--
Role Cast
---- ----
Chisato Takasugi ............................... Kyoko Sakura
Nana Kawasaki ............................... Don Ohana
Kagari Oishi ............................... Yuka Misaki
--<- Music ->--
Music ............................... Shun Sawamura
Hitozuma Hime Club isn't laid out like most other hentai graphic adventures;
you're not following the branches of a simple decision tree to arrive at the
different endings. Instead, you're picking Issei's activities from a training
menu. It's set up like this:
Chisato Nana Kagari
1. Sensitivity 1. Sensitivity 1. Sensitivity
2. Service 2. Service 2. Service
3. Anus 3. Anus 3. Anus
4. Shyness 4. Torture 4. Anus2
5. Personality 5. Obedience 5. Sex Toy
6. Extreme Lesson 6. Extreme Lesson 6. Extreme Lesson
You have to follow each woman's regimen in order. So to get to Chisato's
, you have to complete and . But your turns are limited; once you progress to
a certain level with one girl, you have to catch the others up or they'll be
cut off. It's best to always proceed at an even pace.
Following are detailed instructions to unlock all the endings and pictures.
| |
|-------------------| Chisato Takasugi |--------------------|
| |____________________________________| |
Follow these instructions to unlock all of Chisato's pictures and see her
two endings.
1. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Sensitivity
B) Nana -> Sensitivity
C) Kagari -> Sensitivity
2. Chisato -> Sensitivity
3. Nana -> Sensitivity
4. Chisato -> Sensitivity
5. Nana -> Sensitivity
6. Kagari -> Sensitivity
7. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Service
B) Nana -> Service
C) Kagari -> Service
8. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Anus
B) Nana -> Anus
C) Kagari -> Anus
[Save here for easier access to Nana and Kagari's scenarios.]
9. Chisato -> Anus
[Reverse 10 and 11 to change the threesome with Chisato.]
10. Nana -> Anus (Chisato and Nana)
11. Kagari -> Anus (Chisato and Kagari if reversed with 10)
12. Perform the following sequence 8 times:
A) Chisato -> Shyness
B) Chisato -> Personality
13. Chisato -> Extreme Training
[Save for easy access to both of Chisato's endings.]
-<- Responsible Ending ->-
14. Chisato -> Extreme Training
-<- Illicit Love Ending ->-
14. Nana -> Torture
| |
|-------------------| Nana Kawasaki |--------------------|
| |____________________________________| |
Follow these instructions to unlock all of Nana's pictures and see her
two endings.
1. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Sensitivity
B) Nana -> Sensitivity
C) Kagari -> Sensitivity
2. Chisato -> Sensitivity
3. Nana -> Sensitivity
4. Chisato -> Sensitivity
5. Nana -> Sensitivity
6. Kagari -> Sensitivity
7. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Service
B) Nana -> Service
C) Kagari -> Service
8. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Anus
B) Nana -> Anus
C) Kagari -> Anus
[Save here for easier access to Chisato and Kagari's scenarios.]
9. Nana -> Anus
[Reverse 10 and 11 to change the threesome with Nana.]
10. Kagari -> Anus (Nana and Kagari)
11. Chisato -> Anus (Nana and Chisato if reversed with 10)
12. Perform the following sequence 8 times:
A) Nana -> Torture
B) Nana -> Obedience
13. Nana -> Extreme Training
[Save for easy access to both of Chisato's endings.]
-<- Responsible Ending ->-
14. Nana -> Extreme Training
-<- Illicit Love Ending ->-
14. Kagari -> Anus2
| |
|-------------------| Kagari Oishi |--------------------|
| |____________________________________| |
Follow these instructions to unlock all of Kagari's pictures and see her
two endings.
1. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Sensitivity
B) Nana -> Sensitivity
C) Kagari -> Sensitivity
2. Chisato -> Sensitivity
3. Nana -> Sensitivity
4. Chisato -> Sensitivity
5. Nana -> Sensitivity
6. Kagari -> Sensitivity
7. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Service
B) Nana -> Service
C) Kagari -> Service
8. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Anus
B) Nana -> Anus
C) Kagari -> Anus
[Save here for easier access to Chisato and Nana's scenarios.]
9. Kagari -> Anus
[Reverse 10 and 11 to change the threesome with Kagari.]
10. Chisato -> Anus (Kagari and Chisato)
11. Nana -> Anus (Kagari and Nana if reversed with 10)
12. Perform the following sequence 8 times:
A) Kagari -> Anus2
B) Kagari -> Sex Toy
13. Kagari -> Extreme Training
[Save for easy access to both of Kagari's endings.]
-<- Responsible Ending ->-
14. Kagari -> Extreme Training
-<- Illicit Love Ending ->-
14. Nana -> Torture
| |
|-------------------| Harem |--------------------|
| |____________________________________| |
Follow these instructions to unlock all of a harem ending. My tests show
you don't have to complete any of the other endings first.
1. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Sensitivity
B) Nana -> Sensitivity
C) Kagari -> Sensitivity
2. Chisato -> Sensitivity
3. Nana -> Sensitivity
4. Chisato -> Sensitivity
5. Nana -> Sensitivity
6. Kagari -> Sensitivity
7. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Service
B) Nana -> Service
C) Kagari -> Service
8. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Anus
B) Nana -> Anus
C) Kagari -> Anus
[Save here for easier access to Chisato, Nana, and Kagari's scenarios.]
9. Chisato -> Anus
10. Nana -> Anus
11. Kagari -> Anus
12. Perform the following sequence three times:
A) Chisato -> Shyness
B) Nana -> Torture
C) Kagari -> Anus2
D) Chisato -> Personality
E) Nana -> Obedience
F) Kagari -> Sex Toy
| |
|-------------------| Other CG's |--------------------|
| |____________________________________| |
Under the section "Recollections," there are pictures categorized as "Etc."
arranged as such:
\ / /
/ \
Here what each picture contains:
A) What: Threesome with Chisato and Nana
To unlock: Follow Chisato's walkthrough, make Nana choice 10
B) What: Threesome with Nana and Kagari
To unlock: Follow Nana's walkthrough, make Kagari choice 10
C) What: Beginning of foursome with all the women
To unlock: Final scene of Harem ending
D) What: Threesome with Chisato and Kagari
To unlock: Follow Kagari's walkthrough, make Chisato choice 10
E) What: Foursome with all the women
To unlock: Occurs after choice 11 of all walkthroughs
F) What: A four way - "Bath Time Fun"
To unlock: Occurs after choice 6 for all walkthroughs
G) What: All women pucker for a kiss - "End of the Club"
To unlock: Occurs on every playthrough
H) What: Issei seduces Chisato in Bali
To unlock: Occurs on every playthrough before any choices made
v1.00 - All information complete.
All information and work in this document is copyright 2006 by Ben Woodhouse
unless otherwise stated and may be not be reproduced under any circumstances
except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this
guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly
prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
Thanks for your cooperation.
This FAQ is approved for posting on websites:
GameFAQs - www.gamefaqs.com
HonestGamers - www.honestgamers.com
IGN.com - www.ign.com
Any other site or publication posting it has ripped this FAQ.
React according to your own moral standards.
If you have any additions or corrections that you feel belong in this
document, feel free to let me know!
Hitozuma Hime Club
-Secret Wives' Club-
Copyright 2003 by SEKILALA and G-Collections.com
Ben Woodhouse
October 3, 2006
Version 1.00
******************************CONTENT DISCLAIMER*******************************
Hitozuma Hime Club -Secret Wives' Club- is an adult bishoujo game, meaning it
contains sex. Therefore it is intended solely for people over the age of 18.
If you are of age and still find such material objectionable, then you probably
have no interest in playing this game or reading this FAQ.
G-Collections offers a wide selection of bishoujo games!
Visit their website : www.g-collections.com
i. Introduction
ii. System Requirements
iii. Characters
iv. Game Credits
v. Walkthrough
A. Chisato Takasugi
B. Nana Kawasaki
C. Kagari Oishi
D. Harem
E. Other CG's
vi. Version History
vii. Copyright Information
Issei Ozaki's new job is pressure-packed. He's been charged with guiding a
lackluster high school student into a prestigious college. The kid's dad is
a wealthy and influential man. The kid's mom, well, Issei slept with her.
Yeah, a few weeks ago he took a trip to Bali to hook up with some hot chicks,
and that when he met her, Chisato Takasugi.
To Issei's surprise, Chisato's delighted to see him again. In fact, she can't
wait to introduce him to a couple of her closest friends; they're all dying to
get a taste of his services. Forgot those books and entrance exams, these
three ladies want lessons in the ways of sexual pleasure.
How can Issei resist? Hitozuma Hime Club gives you the choice of how Issei
will allocate his limited time training his new pupils. Without a plan it
could end in disaster, but with careful execution, Issei could steal a wife of
his own. Or more. Good luck achieving all the endings!
Straight from the back of the box, here are the system requirements:
Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP/Me/98/2000
Mouse(or other pointing device)
Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
-------------------- ------------------------
CPU Pentium II/ 233MHz Pentium II/ 300MHz
Memory 64 MB or higher 96 MB or higher
Display 640 X 480 HighColor 24bit TrueColor or higher
CD-ROM 8X or higher 12X or higher
Sound MIDI DirectSound compatible source
Issei Ozaki
Do you think Issei should feel guilty for carrying on affairs with three
married women? He doesn't have the time. But Issei does seem like a decent
fellow; he's sensitive enough where it's clear he has some concern for his
Chisato Takasugi
Chisato's already on the same wavelength as Issei. After all, she hooked up
with him in Bali, so more adultery isn't a problem. Her marriage has been
rocky for a while, though, and maybe Issei is someone to whom she can reveal
her soul. Her body's a different story; she'll show that to anyone. (She's
a bit of an exhibitionist.)
Nana Kawasaki
Nana's marriage was arranged, plus her husband takes part in a rather unique
and disgusting pasttime, so maybe it's understandable that she's not satisfied
in bed. However, given that she looks meek and acts shy, it is a surprise that
she's willing to jump in bed with a stranger to do something about it.
Kagari Oishi
Kagari married an older man. A much older man. He's not always interested
in sex. She is. Kagari's really curious, and she's willing to try everything
new, especially if it involves toys.
Considering many of the same people are involved in some of these games, their
names are interesting to know.
--<- Direction/Production ->--
Director ............................... S-Mori
Assistant Director ............................... Ros=Rodrigoez
Game Design ............................... S-Mori
Scenario ............................... TEAM NGX
--<- Art ->--
Character Design ............................... Tettechi
Graphic Chief ............................... take-me
--<- Voice Acting ->--
Role Cast
---- ----
Chisato Takasugi ............................... Kyoko Sakura
Nana Kawasaki ............................... Don Ohana
Kagari Oishi ............................... Yuka Misaki
--<- Music ->--
Music ............................... Shun Sawamura
Hitozuma Hime Club isn't laid out like most other hentai graphic adventures;
you're not following the branches of a simple decision tree to arrive at the
different endings. Instead, you're picking Issei's activities from a training
menu. It's set up like this:
Chisato Nana Kagari
1. Sensitivity 1. Sensitivity 1. Sensitivity
2. Service 2. Service 2. Service
3. Anus 3. Anus 3. Anus
4. Shyness 4. Torture 4. Anus2
5. Personality 5. Obedience 5. Sex Toy
6. Extreme Lesson 6. Extreme Lesson 6. Extreme Lesson
You have to follow each woman's regimen in order. So to get to Chisato's
, you have to complete and . But your turns are limited; once you progress to
a certain level with one girl, you have to catch the others up or they'll be
cut off. It's best to always proceed at an even pace.
Following are detailed instructions to unlock all the endings and pictures.
| |
|-------------------| Chisato Takasugi |--------------------|
| |____________________________________| |
Follow these instructions to unlock all of Chisato's pictures and see her
two endings.
1. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Sensitivity
B) Nana -> Sensitivity
C) Kagari -> Sensitivity
2. Chisato -> Sensitivity
3. Nana -> Sensitivity
4. Chisato -> Sensitivity
5. Nana -> Sensitivity
6. Kagari -> Sensitivity
7. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Service
B) Nana -> Service
C) Kagari -> Service
8. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Anus
B) Nana -> Anus
C) Kagari -> Anus
[Save here for easier access to Nana and Kagari's scenarios.]
9. Chisato -> Anus
[Reverse 10 and 11 to change the threesome with Chisato.]
10. Nana -> Anus (Chisato and Nana)
11. Kagari -> Anus (Chisato and Kagari if reversed with 10)
12. Perform the following sequence 8 times:
A) Chisato -> Shyness
B) Chisato -> Personality
13. Chisato -> Extreme Training
[Save for easy access to both of Chisato's endings.]
-<- Responsible Ending ->-
14. Chisato -> Extreme Training
-<- Illicit Love Ending ->-
14. Nana -> Torture
| |
|-------------------| Nana Kawasaki |--------------------|
| |____________________________________| |
Follow these instructions to unlock all of Nana's pictures and see her
two endings.
1. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Sensitivity
B) Nana -> Sensitivity
C) Kagari -> Sensitivity
2. Chisato -> Sensitivity
3. Nana -> Sensitivity
4. Chisato -> Sensitivity
5. Nana -> Sensitivity
6. Kagari -> Sensitivity
7. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Service
B) Nana -> Service
C) Kagari -> Service
8. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Anus
B) Nana -> Anus
C) Kagari -> Anus
[Save here for easier access to Chisato and Kagari's scenarios.]
9. Nana -> Anus
[Reverse 10 and 11 to change the threesome with Nana.]
10. Kagari -> Anus (Nana and Kagari)
11. Chisato -> Anus (Nana and Chisato if reversed with 10)
12. Perform the following sequence 8 times:
A) Nana -> Torture
B) Nana -> Obedience
13. Nana -> Extreme Training
[Save for easy access to both of Chisato's endings.]
-<- Responsible Ending ->-
14. Nana -> Extreme Training
-<- Illicit Love Ending ->-
14. Kagari -> Anus2
| |
|-------------------| Kagari Oishi |--------------------|
| |____________________________________| |
Follow these instructions to unlock all of Kagari's pictures and see her
two endings.
1. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Sensitivity
B) Nana -> Sensitivity
C) Kagari -> Sensitivity
2. Chisato -> Sensitivity
3. Nana -> Sensitivity
4. Chisato -> Sensitivity
5. Nana -> Sensitivity
6. Kagari -> Sensitivity
7. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Service
B) Nana -> Service
C) Kagari -> Service
8. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Anus
B) Nana -> Anus
C) Kagari -> Anus
[Save here for easier access to Chisato and Nana's scenarios.]
9. Kagari -> Anus
[Reverse 10 and 11 to change the threesome with Kagari.]
10. Chisato -> Anus (Kagari and Chisato)
11. Nana -> Anus (Kagari and Nana if reversed with 10)
12. Perform the following sequence 8 times:
A) Kagari -> Anus2
B) Kagari -> Sex Toy
13. Kagari -> Extreme Training
[Save for easy access to both of Kagari's endings.]
-<- Responsible Ending ->-
14. Kagari -> Extreme Training
-<- Illicit Love Ending ->-
14. Nana -> Torture
| |
|-------------------| Harem |--------------------|
| |____________________________________| |
Follow these instructions to unlock all of a harem ending. My tests show
you don't have to complete any of the other endings first.
1. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Sensitivity
B) Nana -> Sensitivity
C) Kagari -> Sensitivity
2. Chisato -> Sensitivity
3. Nana -> Sensitivity
4. Chisato -> Sensitivity
5. Nana -> Sensitivity
6. Kagari -> Sensitivity
7. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Service
B) Nana -> Service
C) Kagari -> Service
8. Perform the following sequence twice:
A) Chisato -> Anus
B) Nana -> Anus
C) Kagari -> Anus
[Save here for easier access to Chisato, Nana, and Kagari's scenarios.]
9. Chisato -> Anus
10. Nana -> Anus
11. Kagari -> Anus
12. Perform the following sequence three times:
A) Chisato -> Shyness
B) Nana -> Torture
C) Kagari -> Anus2
D) Chisato -> Personality
E) Nana -> Obedience
F) Kagari -> Sex Toy
| |
|-------------------| Other CG's |--------------------|
| |____________________________________| |
Under the section "Recollections," there are pictures categorized as "Etc."
arranged as such:
\ / /
/ \
Here what each picture contains:
A) What: Threesome with Chisato and Nana
To unlock: Follow Chisato's walkthrough, make Nana choice 10
B) What: Threesome with Nana and Kagari
To unlock: Follow Nana's walkthrough, make Kagari choice 10
C) What: Beginning of foursome with all the women
To unlock: Final scene of Harem ending
D) What: Threesome with Chisato and Kagari
To unlock: Follow Kagari's walkthrough, make Chisato choice 10
E) What: Foursome with all the women
To unlock: Occurs after choice 11 of all walkthroughs
F) What: A four way - "Bath Time Fun"
To unlock: Occurs after choice 6 for all walkthroughs
G) What: All women pucker for a kiss - "End of the Club"
To unlock: Occurs on every playthrough
H) What: Issei seduces Chisato in Bali
To unlock: Occurs on every playthrough before any choices made
v1.00 - All information complete.
All information and work in this document is copyright 2006 by Ben Woodhouse
unless otherwise stated and may be not be reproduced under any circumstances
except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this
guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly
prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
Thanks for your cooperation.
This FAQ is approved for posting on websites:
GameFAQs - www.gamefaqs.com
HonestGamers - www.honestgamers.com
IGN.com - www.ign.com
Any other site or publication posting it has ripped this FAQ.
React according to your own moral standards.
If you have any additions or corrections that you feel belong in this
document, feel free to let me know!
Хентай игры
Little My Maid [Sweet Basil, Peach Princess]
загружено Shannon, 01 января 2012
Судьба сводит героя с девушкой по имени Мари, волей случая Одзи спасает её от насильников или, в зависимости от вашего выбора, помогает оправиться, после того как её изнасиловали на пляже. Так или иначе, в качестве благодарности Мари просит проводить её до места, где она работает. Старинное здание, находящееся на уединенном острове, который окружает плотная завеса серебристого тумана - Рююгуу Холл. Странное место, где не работают сотовые телефоны, а время словно остановилось. Единственные обитатели огромного здания это хозяйка Хина и её четверо служанок… те ли они за кого себя выдают?
Основное отличие от других VN анимация персонажей во время диалогов.
Основное отличие от других VN анимация персонажей во время диалогов.
1.0 General Points for Achieving The 11 Endings
2.0 Detailed Walkthrough
2.1 Mari Route
2.2 Hina Route 1
2.3 Hina Route 2
2.4 Mayu Route
2.5 Hime Route
2.6 Aya Route
2.7 CG Route
Some notes on notation:
2) Accept her offer
This is an option available when the game asks your to make a decision. The
number is actually not shown in the game, but I use it to tell that it is the
second choice from the top. Whenever something like 2) Accept her offer,
appears in the body of this FAQ, I mean you should select this choice.
Any choices
Any choice with Hime
Any choice of [something]
Any choice from 1) Take your time
These mean that you can select any of the available choices at that
particular point in the game and it doesn't affect the ending that you will
see. Simply pick your preference. The words after "Any choices" identify
the available choices to make sure that you are faced with the correct
-The following are tips and a few key choices for achieving each ending. Some
people like to be hinted only a little and figure out the rest. This section
is meant for these people.
-A set of choices is also shown under the sub-heading of "More instructions:"
in order to provide fairly a certain path to achieve each ending. This
sections is by no means comprehensive since I can not try all one trillion
paths. Other choices and paths are always possible to achieve the same
-The detailed walkthrough sections contains routes that list every single
choice needed to achieve each ending. That section is for people that like
detailed, exact instructions. However, these routes go through a variety of
interesting scenarios in the game so I recommend everyone to try following
the detailed walkthrough.
-I also recommend achieving the endings in the order of 11, 1 ~ 10, but this is
really my own preference.
[Ending 1: Someday, My Prince Will Come]
Mari Love Ending
-1) Go take a walk is the key decision on the 3rd day. Once you choose this,
you always get this ending. Call Mari on the 3rd day and make choices until
this key option shows up.
More instructions:
-Ignore Mari for the first two days.
-3rd day, call Mari, 2) Nasty Pleasure, 2) Don't come yet, 1) Play softly
[Ending 11: Love is Reborn]
Default Ending
-if you do not achieve any other ending by the end of the 3rd day, this is it.
[Ending 2: Together Forever]
Hina Love Ending
-2) Indirectly ask her feelings is the key decision. It is easily available on
the 3rd day, but you can still fail to get this ending if you've missed
something (in particular, the garden event on the 1st day).
More instructions:
-1st day, go to garden and proceed to your room with Hina
-2nd day, call Hina, 1) Ask her to comfort me, 1) Come inside her, 1) Something
lewd, 2) Fuck her pussy. To help increase Hina's Love and Trust points,
before calling Hina, go to garden, 1) Go to the cliff, 2) Insert my cock
into her pussy
-3rd day, call Hina, 1) Fuck her pussy, 2) Fuck her ass, 2) Indirectly ask her
[Ending 3: Precious Little Thing]
Mayu Love Ending
-2) Quit now is the key decision on the 3rd day. It can be available in many
situations, but you can fail to get this ending because (I think) Mayu's Love
and Trust points are not high enough.
More instructions:
-1st day, call Mayu, 2) Walk around the second floor, 2) Go left, 1) Go into
the attic, 1) Apologize earnestly
-2nd day, call Mayu, 1) Ask her to comfort me, 2) Have her call me 'Big
-3rd day, call Mayu, 1) Be gentle, 2) Quit now
[Ending 4: Dream's Ending, Future's Beginning]
Hime Love Ending
-2nd day, do it with Hime after breakfast, go to living room for an event with
Hime, don't argue with Aya and end 2nd day by calling the maids (repeatedly
if necessary).
-3rd day, do it with Hime, argue with Aya, focus on Hime
More instructions:
-2nd day, during breakfast, 1) Do it
or 2) Don't do it, 1) Yes, I want to know, 1) Comfort her body
-2nd day, after you leave your room, go to living room, 1) Kill time for a
while, 1) Go back to my room, end 2nd day by calling the maids (repeatedly
if necessary).
-3rd day, 1) Do it, 2) Argue with her, 1) To make love to Hime, 2) Tell her
about my plan to marry Hime, 1) I do love Hime, 2) Think about Hime
[Ending 5: Rebirth of Happiness]
Aya Love Ending
-2nd day, do it with Hime early. You can accomplish this by going to Hime's
room to end the 1st day or by having sex with Hime right after breakfast. If
you go back your room first and then go to Hime's room, you can still see
some H scenes with Aya, but you can not get any ending with Aya.
-2nd day, get caught by Aya in
e.g. Aya's room 2) Stay here a little longer
or Hime's room 2) Peek into the bedroom
or Entrance Hall after wandering around too much
or Living room 1) Kill time for a while
2) Argue with her (if this option shows up). If the choices 1) Feel
satisfied 2) Feel guilty do not show up, something is messed up.
-If you choose 2) Feel guilty, then end 2nd day by calling maids (repeatedly if
necessary). 3rd day, go to Hime's room, choose 2) Aya
-If you choose 1) Feel satisfied, then 2) Refuse her tempting offer, end 2nd
day by calling maids (repeatedly if necessary). If you end 2nd day with
Hime, you can not start the 3rd day with 1) Leave the room option. 3rd day,
go to Aya's room, 2) Stuff her mouth with her panties, 1) It's fine like
this, Any choice with Hime, 1) Train Aya, Any choices until 1) To marry her
shows up and choose it.
[Ending 6: The Rhyme & Reason of Existence]
Mari Sex Ending
-1st day, have sex with Mari.
-2nd day, make Mari call you Master. I think Mari need to have Love and Trust
Points >= 35.
-3rd day, see below for the exact choices you need to make.
More instructions:
-1st day, call Mari, 2) Be nice to her, 2) Thank her
-2nd day, I think Mari need to have Love and Trust Points >= 35.
1) Call Mari, 2) Ask her to let me play with her body, 3) Time for
discipline, 2) I force her to call me Master, 2) Don't use them
-3rd day, 1) Call Mari, 2) Don't come yet, 1) Fuck her pussy, 2) Fuck her on
the terrace, Any choice of adult toy, 2) Satisfied
[Ending 7: Silent Siren]
Hina Sex Ending
-2nd day, after you call her, you want to go to the woods with Hina and make
her submit to you. Generally, calling Hina twice is required.
-If Hina calls you Master when you call her on 3rd day, you are set. Choose
2) Concentrate on Hina
More instructions:
-2nd day call Hina, 2) Ask her to let me play with her body, 3) Time for
discipline, 2) Call Mayu, 1) Ask her to comfort me, 1) Call a maid, 2) Call
Hina, Any choice of hole
2) Call Hina, 1) Ask her to comfort me, Any choice from 1) Come inside her,
2) Something wild, 1) Ask her to comfort me, 1) Call a maid, 2) Call Hina,
1) Fuck her ass
If you slept with Hina on 1st day, 1) Leave the room, go to garden, 1) Go to
the cliff, 1) Insert my cock in her ass, 2) Call Hina, 2) Play with her,
2) Tease her, Any choice from 1) Lick her first, Any choice from 1) Fuck her,
1) Ask her to comfort me, 1) Call a maid, 2) Call Hina, 1) Fuck her ass
-3rd day, call Hina, 2) Concentrate on Hina
[Ending 8: Be My Maid]
Mayu Sex Ending
-2) Want to be with Mayu forever OR 2) Want to hear her sexy voice as she comes
are the key decisions on the 3rd day. I think you always get this ending
once you choose either of the two.
-3 possibilities, Mayu calls you "Sir," "Master," or "Oniichan" during ending.
More instructions:
-Ignore Mayu for the first two days.
-3rd day, call Mayu, 1) Ask her to comfort me, 1) Ask her to come back again,
Any choice about Yukari, 2) Teach her things that feel good, 2) Want to be
with Mayu forever -> Mayu calls you "Sir" during ending.
2) Ask her to le me play with her body, 2) Playing hard, 2) Force her to take
her bathing suit off, 1) Scold her, 1) Scold her, Any choice from 1) Take
your time, Any choice of hole if available, 1) Continue, 2) Want to hear her
sexy voice as she comes -> Mayu calls you "Master" during ending.
follow Mayu route in the detailed walkthrough section for Mayu to call you
"Oniichan" during ending.
[Ending 9: Path of Darkness]
Aya, Hime Sex Ending
-follow the same procedures as Ending 5 Aya Love Ending
-choose 1) Feel satisfied, and later instead of 1) To marry her, choose 2) To
be her Master, 2) Do it now, Any choices as long as you don't choose come.
If you have very little PS Point (5%), then don't choose 2) Petting.
[Ending 10: Path of Darkness... And Its Destiny]
I recommend getting this ending last. It's way too easy to get this ending and
spoils the fun.
-follow the same procedures as Ending 6 Mari Sex Ending
-instead of 2) Satisfied, choose 1) Unsatisfied
-follow the same procedures as Ending 7 Hina Sex Ending
-instead of 2) Concentrate on Hina, choose 1) Try for a harem
This section is translated from 紫羅蘭のお部屋(SumireRoom) with very minor
correction and editing on my part. These routes contain step-by-step
instructions to achieve each ending, explore many fun situations in the game,
and unlocks most, if not all, of the CG's.
2.1 Mari Route
1st Day
Beach: 2) Don't help her
Ryuguu Hall 1F Entrance Hall: 1) Help her
1F Living Room: 1) A fantasy about Yukari
1F Living Room, Hime's offer: 2) Accept her offer
1F Dining Room, Mayu: 2) Herself
1F Dining Room, Hina: 2) About her voice
1F Dining Room, Mari: 2) Keep pretending
2F Your Room: 2) Stay in the room for a while
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 1) Tease her
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Walk around the second floor
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go right
2nd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
1F Living Room: 1) I'm satisfied
2F Left Hallway: 1) Peak into the maids' room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) I prefer Mari
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 3) Go outside
Outside Mansion: 1) Go to the cove
Cove: 2) Remember how I met Mari
Cove: 1) Continue on to the rocks
Rocks: 1) Have a look around the area
Cave: 1) Enter the cave
Cove: 2) Make an excuse
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 2) Ask her to let me play with her body
2F Your Room: 3) Time for discipline
2F Your Room: 2) I force her to call me Master
2F Your Room: 2) Don't use them
3rd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
***Save 1***(For different endings)
2F Your Room: 1) Come now
2F Your Room: 1) Have her masturbate
2F Your Room: 2) Her masochism
[Ending 11: Love is Reborn]
Continue from Save 1
2F Your Room: 2) Don't come yet
2F Your Room: 1) Fuck her pussy
***Save 2***(For different endings)
2F Your Room: 1) Fuck her right here
2F Your Room: 1) Go take a walk
[Ending 1: Someday, My Prince Will Come]
Continue from Save 2
2F Your Room: 2) Fuck her on the terrace
2F Your Room: Any choice of adult toy.
2F Your Room: 2) Satisfied
[Ending 6: The Rhyme & Reason of Existence]
2.2 Hina Route 1
1st Day
Beach: 1) Help her
Beach: 1) Accept her invitation
Boat: 2) Ask about Mari
1F Living Room: 1) A fantasy about Yukari
1F Living Room, Hime's offer: 2) Accept her offer
1F Dining Room, Mayu: 2) Herself
1F Dining Room, Hina: 2) About her voice
1F Dining Room, Mari: 2) Make an excuse
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 3) Go outside
Outside Mansion: 2) Go to the garden
2nd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
1F Living Room: 1) Yes, I want to know
1F Hime's Room: 2) Cheer her up with words
2F Left Hallway: 2) Go to the next place
2F Outside Your Room: 2) I prefer Hina
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 3) Go outside
Outside Mansion: 2) Go to the garden
Garden: 1) Go to the cliff
Woods: 2) Insert my cock into her pussy
1F Entrance Hall: 1) Go back to my room
2F Your Room: 2) Call Hina
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her to comfort me
2F Your Room: 1) Come inside her
2F Your Room: 1) Something lewd
2F Your Room: 2) Fuck her pussy
3rd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
2F Your Room: 2) Call Hina
2F Your Room: 1) Fuck her pussy
2F Your Room: 2) Fuck her ass
2F Your Room: 2) Indirectly ask her feelings
[Ending 2: Together Forever]
2.3 Hina Route 2
1st Day
Beach: 2) Don't help her
Ryuguu Hall 1F Entrance Hall: 2) Don't say anything
1F Living Room: 2) A fantasy about Mari
1F Living Room, Hime's offer: 1) Reject her offer
1F Dining Room, Mayu: 1) Her cooking
1F Dining Room, Hina: 1) About how she looks similar to Mari
1F Dining Room, Mari: 2) Keep pretending
2F Your Room: 2) Stay in the room for a while
2F Your Room: 2) Call Hina
2F Your Room: 2) Do sixty-nine
***Save 3***(For CG collection)
2F Your Room: 1) Make her come
2F Your Room: 1) Continue
2F Your Room: 1) Blow job
2F Your Room: 1) Make Hina serve me
2F Your Room: 1) Tease her with my fingers
2F Your Room: 1) Come inside her
2F Your Room: 1) Continue
2F Your Room: 2) Persuade her
2nd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
1F Living Room: 2) No, I don't want to know
2F Left Hallway: 2) Go to the next place
2F Outside Your Room: 2) I prefer Hina
2F Your Room: 2) Call a maid
2F Your Room: 2) Call Hina
2F Your Room: 2) Ask her to let me play with her body
2F Your Room: 3) Time for discipline
2F Your Room: 2) Fuck her pussy
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her to comfort me
2F Your Room: 1) Call a maid
2F Your Room: 2) Call Hina
Woods: 1) Fuck her ass
3rd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
2F Your Room: 2) Call Hina
***Save 4***(For different endings)
2F Your Room: 2) Concentrate on Hina
[Ending 7: Silent Siren]
Continue from Save 4
2F Your Room: 1) Try for a harem
[Ending 10: Path of Darkness... And Its Destiny]
continue from Save 3
2) I'll come first
2.4 Mayu Route
1st Day
Beach: 2) Don't help her
Ryuguu Hall 1F Entrance Hall: 1) Help her
1F Living Room: 1) A fantasy about Yukari
1F Living Room, Hime's offer: 2) Accept her offer
1F Dining Room, Mayu: 2) Herself
1F Dining Room, Hina: 2) About her voice
1F Dining Room, Mari: 2) Keep pretending
2F Your Room: 2) Stay in the room for a while
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Walk around the second floor
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Go left
2F Left Halllway: 1) Go into the attic
Maids' Room: 1) Apologize earnestly
2nd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
1F Living Room: 2) I'm not satisfied
2F Left Hallway: 1) Peak into the maids' room
2F Outside Your Room: 3) I can't decide
***Save 5***(For CG Route)
2F Your Room: 2) Call a maid
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her to comfort me
2F Your Bathroom: 2) Have her call me 'Big Brother'
2F Your Room: 2) Go to Hime's room
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Argue with her
1F Aya's Room: 2) I don't like her stuffy maid uniform
1F Aya's Room: 1) Feel satisfied
1F Left Hallway: 1) Accept her tempting offer
3rd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
2F Your Room: 2) Be nasty
2F Your Room: Any choices for the next couple decisions will do. I recommend
2) Take a bath together, for a new CG
***Save 6***(For different endings)
2F Your Room: 2) Quit now
[Ending 3: Precious Little Thing]
Continue from Save 6
2F Your Room: 1) Continue
2F Your Room: 2) Want to hear her sexy voice as she comes
[Ending 8: Be My Maid]
2.5 Hime Route
1st Day
Beach: 2) Don't help her
Ryuguu Hall 1F Entrance Hall: 1) Help her
1F Living Room: 1) A fantasy about Yukari
1F Living Room, Hime's offer: 2) Accept her offer
1F Dining Room, Mayu: 2) Herself
1F Dining Room, Hina: 2) About her voice
1F Dining Room, Mari: 1) Tell the truth
2F Your Room: 2) Stay in the room for a while
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 1) Tease her
2F Your Room: 1) Give in to my lust
2F Your Room: 2) Take the time to do it right
2F Your Room: 2) A sadistic thrill
2F Your Room: 2) Embarrass her
2F Your Room: 1) Frustrate her sexually
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 2) Left hallway
1F Left Hallway: 2) Enter the farthest room
2nd Day
1F Dining Room: 1) Do it
1F Hime's Room: 1) Blow job
1F Hime's Room: 1) Come now
1F Hime's Room: 2) Continue
2F Left Hallway: 2) Go to the next place
2F Outside Your Room: 3) I can't decide
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 1) Go right
1F Right Hallway: 1) Enter the living room
1F Living Room: 1) Kill time for a while
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go back to my room
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her to comfort me
2F Your Room: 1) I want to find what this daydream means
3rd Day
1F Dining Room: 1) Do it
1F Left Hallway: 2) Argue with her
1F Left Hallway: 1) To make love to Hime
1F Aya's Room: 2) Tell her about my plan to marry Hime
1F Aya's Room: 1) I do love Hime
Cove: 2) Think about Hime
[Ending 4: Dream's Ending, Future's Beginning]
2.6 Aya Route
1st Day
Beach: 1) Help her
Beach: 1) Reject her invitation
Boat: 2) Ask about the mansion
1F Living Room: 1) A fantasy about Mari
1F Living Room, Hime's offer: 1) Reject her offer
1F Dining Room, Mayu: 1) Her cooking
1F Dining Room, Hina: 1) About how she looks similar to Mari
1F Dining Room, Mari: 1) Ignore her
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 3) Go outside
Outside Mansion: 1) Go to the cove
2nd Day
1F Dining Room: 1) Do it
1F Hime's Room: 1) Petting
2F Left Hallway: 2) Go to the next place
2F Outside Your Room: 3) I can't decide
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 2) Go left
1F Left Hallway: 1) Stop at Aya's room
1F Aya's Room: 2) Stay here a little longer
***Save 7***(For CG Route)
1F Aya's Room: 1) I don't like her aristocratic glasses
1F Aya's Room: 1) Feel satisfied
1F Left Hallway: 2) Refuse her tempting offer
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 3) Time for discipline
2F Your Room: 2) I force her to call me Master
2F Your Room: 1) Use them
2F Your Room: 2) Don't make her come
3rd Day
2F Your Room: 2) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Aya's room
1F Aya's Room: 2) Stuff her mouth with her panties
1F Left Hallway: 1) It's fine like this
1F Hime's Room: Any choice of making her come
1F Left Hallway: 1) Train Aya
1F Aya's Room: 2) It's not enough
1F Aya's Room: Any choice of hole
***Save 8***(For different endings)
1F Aya's Room: 1) To marry her
[Ending 5: Rebirth of Happiness]
Continue from Save 8
1F Aya's Room: 2) To be her Master
1F Left Hallway: 2) Do it now
1F Hime's Room: Any choice is fine as long as you don't choose come. If you
have very little PS Point =5%, the don't choose 2) Petting.
[Ending 9: Path of Darkness]
2.7 CG Route
Continue from Save 5
2nd Day
2F Your Room: 2) Call a maid
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
2F Your Room: 2) Ask her to let me play with her body
2F Your Room: 1) Tease her softly
2F Your Room: 2) Go to Hime's room
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Argue with her
1F Aya's Room: 2) I don't like her stuffy maid uniform
1F Aya's Room: 1) Feel satisfied
1F Left Hallway: 2) Refuse her tempting offer
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
2F Your Room: 2) Ask her to let me play with her body
2F Your Room: 2) Tease her hard
2F Your Room: 1) Scold her
2F Your Room: 1) Scold her
3rd Day
2F Your Room: 2) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 3) Maids' room
2F Outside Your Room: 3) Mayu
Maids' Room: 2) Pursue what you saw
Maids' Room: 2) Kiss her softly
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
2F Your Room: 2) Ask her to let me play with her body
2F Your Room: 2) I'll take my time teaching her
1F Left Hallway: 2) Time for discipline
2F Your Room: 2) Scold her
2F Your Room: 2) I'll take my time teaching her
***Save 9***(For CG collection)
2F Your Room: 1) Make her do something with her pussy
Continue from Save 9
3rd Day
2F Your Room: 2) Make her play with herself
2F Your Room: 1) Have her give me a blow job
CG collection for this part is done. If you want an ending,
2F Your Bathroom: 2) Have a quickie
2F Your Bathroom: 1) Her vagina
2F Your Bathroom: 1) Continue
2F Your Bathroom: 2) Want to hear her sexy voice as she comes
[Ending 8: Be My Maid]
Continue from Save 5
2nd Day
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 1) Go right
1F Right Hallway: 1) Enter the living room
1F Living Room: 1) Kill time for a while
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Argue with her
1F Aya's Room: 2) I don't like her stuffy maid uniform
1F Aya's Room: 1) Feel satisfied
1F Left Hallway: 1) Accept her tempting offer
3rd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
***Save 10***(For CG collection)
2F Your Room: 1) Playing soft
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her to come back again
2F Your Room: 1) Think about the past with Yukari
2F Your Room: 1) Teach her nasty things
2F Your Room: 1) Take off her underwear
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her
2F Your Room: 2) Time for discipline
Continue from Save 10
2F Your Room: 2) Playing hard
2F Your Bathroom: 2) Have her call me 'Big Brother'
2F Your Room: 2) Scold her
2F Your Room: 2) Scold her
2F Your Room: 2) Come by the other way
2F Your Room: 1) Continue
2F Your Room: 2) Want to hear her sexy voice as she comes
[Ending 8: Be My Maid]
Continue from Save 7
2nd Day
1F Aya's Room: 2) I don't like her stuffy maid uniform
1F Aya's Room: 1) Feel satisfied
1F Left Hallway: 2) Refuse her tempting offer
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 2) Time for discipline
2F Your Room: 2) I force her to call me Master
2F Your Room: 1) Use them
2F Your Room: 1) Make her come
2F Your Room: 1) Call Hina
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 2) Ask her to let me play with her body
2F Your Room: 1) Come now
3rd Day
2F Your Room: 2) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Aya's room
1F Aya's Room: 2) Stuff her mouth with her panties
1F Left Hallway: 1) It's fine like this
1F Hime's Room: Any choice of making her come
1F Left Hallway: 1) Train Aya
1F Aya's Room: 2) It's not enough
1F Aya's Room: Any choice here will do. Pick your preference.
1F Aya's Room: 2) To be her Master
1F Left Hallway: 2) Do it now
1F Hime's Room: Any choice is fine as long as you don't choose come. If you
have very little PS Point (5%), the don't choose 2) Petting.
[Ending 9: Path of Darkness]
2.0 Detailed Walkthrough
2.1 Mari Route
2.2 Hina Route 1
2.3 Hina Route 2
2.4 Mayu Route
2.5 Hime Route
2.6 Aya Route
2.7 CG Route
Some notes on notation:
2) Accept her offer
This is an option available when the game asks your to make a decision. The
number is actually not shown in the game, but I use it to tell that it is the
second choice from the top. Whenever something like 2) Accept her offer,
appears in the body of this FAQ, I mean you should select this choice.
Any choices
Any choice with Hime
Any choice of [something]
Any choice from 1) Take your time
These mean that you can select any of the available choices at that
particular point in the game and it doesn't affect the ending that you will
see. Simply pick your preference. The words after "Any choices" identify
the available choices to make sure that you are faced with the correct
-The following are tips and a few key choices for achieving each ending. Some
people like to be hinted only a little and figure out the rest. This section
is meant for these people.
-A set of choices is also shown under the sub-heading of "More instructions:"
in order to provide fairly a certain path to achieve each ending. This
sections is by no means comprehensive since I can not try all one trillion
paths. Other choices and paths are always possible to achieve the same
-The detailed walkthrough sections contains routes that list every single
choice needed to achieve each ending. That section is for people that like
detailed, exact instructions. However, these routes go through a variety of
interesting scenarios in the game so I recommend everyone to try following
the detailed walkthrough.
-I also recommend achieving the endings in the order of 11, 1 ~ 10, but this is
really my own preference.
[Ending 1: Someday, My Prince Will Come]
Mari Love Ending
-1) Go take a walk is the key decision on the 3rd day. Once you choose this,
you always get this ending. Call Mari on the 3rd day and make choices until
this key option shows up.
More instructions:
-Ignore Mari for the first two days.
-3rd day, call Mari, 2) Nasty Pleasure, 2) Don't come yet, 1) Play softly
[Ending 11: Love is Reborn]
Default Ending
-if you do not achieve any other ending by the end of the 3rd day, this is it.
[Ending 2: Together Forever]
Hina Love Ending
-2) Indirectly ask her feelings is the key decision. It is easily available on
the 3rd day, but you can still fail to get this ending if you've missed
something (in particular, the garden event on the 1st day).
More instructions:
-1st day, go to garden and proceed to your room with Hina
-2nd day, call Hina, 1) Ask her to comfort me, 1) Come inside her, 1) Something
lewd, 2) Fuck her pussy. To help increase Hina's Love and Trust points,
before calling Hina, go to garden, 1) Go to the cliff, 2) Insert my cock
into her pussy
-3rd day, call Hina, 1) Fuck her pussy, 2) Fuck her ass, 2) Indirectly ask her
[Ending 3: Precious Little Thing]
Mayu Love Ending
-2) Quit now is the key decision on the 3rd day. It can be available in many
situations, but you can fail to get this ending because (I think) Mayu's Love
and Trust points are not high enough.
More instructions:
-1st day, call Mayu, 2) Walk around the second floor, 2) Go left, 1) Go into
the attic, 1) Apologize earnestly
-2nd day, call Mayu, 1) Ask her to comfort me, 2) Have her call me 'Big
-3rd day, call Mayu, 1) Be gentle, 2) Quit now
[Ending 4: Dream's Ending, Future's Beginning]
Hime Love Ending
-2nd day, do it with Hime after breakfast, go to living room for an event with
Hime, don't argue with Aya and end 2nd day by calling the maids (repeatedly
if necessary).
-3rd day, do it with Hime, argue with Aya, focus on Hime
More instructions:
-2nd day, during breakfast, 1) Do it
or 2) Don't do it, 1) Yes, I want to know, 1) Comfort her body
-2nd day, after you leave your room, go to living room, 1) Kill time for a
while, 1) Go back to my room, end 2nd day by calling the maids (repeatedly
if necessary).
-3rd day, 1) Do it, 2) Argue with her, 1) To make love to Hime, 2) Tell her
about my plan to marry Hime, 1) I do love Hime, 2) Think about Hime
[Ending 5: Rebirth of Happiness]
Aya Love Ending
-2nd day, do it with Hime early. You can accomplish this by going to Hime's
room to end the 1st day or by having sex with Hime right after breakfast. If
you go back your room first and then go to Hime's room, you can still see
some H scenes with Aya, but you can not get any ending with Aya.
-2nd day, get caught by Aya in
e.g. Aya's room 2) Stay here a little longer
or Hime's room 2) Peek into the bedroom
or Entrance Hall after wandering around too much
or Living room 1) Kill time for a while
2) Argue with her (if this option shows up). If the choices 1) Feel
satisfied 2) Feel guilty do not show up, something is messed up.
-If you choose 2) Feel guilty, then end 2nd day by calling maids (repeatedly if
necessary). 3rd day, go to Hime's room, choose 2) Aya
-If you choose 1) Feel satisfied, then 2) Refuse her tempting offer, end 2nd
day by calling maids (repeatedly if necessary). If you end 2nd day with
Hime, you can not start the 3rd day with 1) Leave the room option. 3rd day,
go to Aya's room, 2) Stuff her mouth with her panties, 1) It's fine like
this, Any choice with Hime, 1) Train Aya, Any choices until 1) To marry her
shows up and choose it.
[Ending 6: The Rhyme & Reason of Existence]
Mari Sex Ending
-1st day, have sex with Mari.
-2nd day, make Mari call you Master. I think Mari need to have Love and Trust
Points >= 35.
-3rd day, see below for the exact choices you need to make.
More instructions:
-1st day, call Mari, 2) Be nice to her, 2) Thank her
-2nd day, I think Mari need to have Love and Trust Points >= 35.
1) Call Mari, 2) Ask her to let me play with her body, 3) Time for
discipline, 2) I force her to call me Master, 2) Don't use them
-3rd day, 1) Call Mari, 2) Don't come yet, 1) Fuck her pussy, 2) Fuck her on
the terrace, Any choice of adult toy, 2) Satisfied
[Ending 7: Silent Siren]
Hina Sex Ending
-2nd day, after you call her, you want to go to the woods with Hina and make
her submit to you. Generally, calling Hina twice is required.
-If Hina calls you Master when you call her on 3rd day, you are set. Choose
2) Concentrate on Hina
More instructions:
-2nd day call Hina, 2) Ask her to let me play with her body, 3) Time for
discipline, 2) Call Mayu, 1) Ask her to comfort me, 1) Call a maid, 2) Call
Hina, Any choice of hole
2) Call Hina, 1) Ask her to comfort me, Any choice from 1) Come inside her,
2) Something wild, 1) Ask her to comfort me, 1) Call a maid, 2) Call Hina,
1) Fuck her ass
If you slept with Hina on 1st day, 1) Leave the room, go to garden, 1) Go to
the cliff, 1) Insert my cock in her ass, 2) Call Hina, 2) Play with her,
2) Tease her, Any choice from 1) Lick her first, Any choice from 1) Fuck her,
1) Ask her to comfort me, 1) Call a maid, 2) Call Hina, 1) Fuck her ass
-3rd day, call Hina, 2) Concentrate on Hina
[Ending 8: Be My Maid]
Mayu Sex Ending
-2) Want to be with Mayu forever OR 2) Want to hear her sexy voice as she comes
are the key decisions on the 3rd day. I think you always get this ending
once you choose either of the two.
-3 possibilities, Mayu calls you "Sir," "Master," or "Oniichan" during ending.
More instructions:
-Ignore Mayu for the first two days.
-3rd day, call Mayu, 1) Ask her to comfort me, 1) Ask her to come back again,
Any choice about Yukari, 2) Teach her things that feel good, 2) Want to be
with Mayu forever -> Mayu calls you "Sir" during ending.
2) Ask her to le me play with her body, 2) Playing hard, 2) Force her to take
her bathing suit off, 1) Scold her, 1) Scold her, Any choice from 1) Take
your time, Any choice of hole if available, 1) Continue, 2) Want to hear her
sexy voice as she comes -> Mayu calls you "Master" during ending.
follow Mayu route in the detailed walkthrough section for Mayu to call you
"Oniichan" during ending.
[Ending 9: Path of Darkness]
Aya, Hime Sex Ending
-follow the same procedures as Ending 5 Aya Love Ending
-choose 1) Feel satisfied, and later instead of 1) To marry her, choose 2) To
be her Master, 2) Do it now, Any choices as long as you don't choose come.
If you have very little PS Point (5%), then don't choose 2) Petting.
[Ending 10: Path of Darkness... And Its Destiny]
I recommend getting this ending last. It's way too easy to get this ending and
spoils the fun.
-follow the same procedures as Ending 6 Mari Sex Ending
-instead of 2) Satisfied, choose 1) Unsatisfied
-follow the same procedures as Ending 7 Hina Sex Ending
-instead of 2) Concentrate on Hina, choose 1) Try for a harem
This section is translated from 紫羅蘭のお部屋(SumireRoom) with very minor
correction and editing on my part. These routes contain step-by-step
instructions to achieve each ending, explore many fun situations in the game,
and unlocks most, if not all, of the CG's.
2.1 Mari Route
1st Day
Beach: 2) Don't help her
Ryuguu Hall 1F Entrance Hall: 1) Help her
1F Living Room: 1) A fantasy about Yukari
1F Living Room, Hime's offer: 2) Accept her offer
1F Dining Room, Mayu: 2) Herself
1F Dining Room, Hina: 2) About her voice
1F Dining Room, Mari: 2) Keep pretending
2F Your Room: 2) Stay in the room for a while
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 1) Tease her
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Walk around the second floor
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go right
2nd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
1F Living Room: 1) I'm satisfied
2F Left Hallway: 1) Peak into the maids' room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) I prefer Mari
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 3) Go outside
Outside Mansion: 1) Go to the cove
Cove: 2) Remember how I met Mari
Cove: 1) Continue on to the rocks
Rocks: 1) Have a look around the area
Cave: 1) Enter the cave
Cove: 2) Make an excuse
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 2) Ask her to let me play with her body
2F Your Room: 3) Time for discipline
2F Your Room: 2) I force her to call me Master
2F Your Room: 2) Don't use them
3rd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
***Save 1***(For different endings)
2F Your Room: 1) Come now
2F Your Room: 1) Have her masturbate
2F Your Room: 2) Her masochism
[Ending 11: Love is Reborn]
Continue from Save 1
2F Your Room: 2) Don't come yet
2F Your Room: 1) Fuck her pussy
***Save 2***(For different endings)
2F Your Room: 1) Fuck her right here
2F Your Room: 1) Go take a walk
[Ending 1: Someday, My Prince Will Come]
Continue from Save 2
2F Your Room: 2) Fuck her on the terrace
2F Your Room: Any choice of adult toy.
2F Your Room: 2) Satisfied
[Ending 6: The Rhyme & Reason of Existence]
2.2 Hina Route 1
1st Day
Beach: 1) Help her
Beach: 1) Accept her invitation
Boat: 2) Ask about Mari
1F Living Room: 1) A fantasy about Yukari
1F Living Room, Hime's offer: 2) Accept her offer
1F Dining Room, Mayu: 2) Herself
1F Dining Room, Hina: 2) About her voice
1F Dining Room, Mari: 2) Make an excuse
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 3) Go outside
Outside Mansion: 2) Go to the garden
2nd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
1F Living Room: 1) Yes, I want to know
1F Hime's Room: 2) Cheer her up with words
2F Left Hallway: 2) Go to the next place
2F Outside Your Room: 2) I prefer Hina
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 3) Go outside
Outside Mansion: 2) Go to the garden
Garden: 1) Go to the cliff
Woods: 2) Insert my cock into her pussy
1F Entrance Hall: 1) Go back to my room
2F Your Room: 2) Call Hina
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her to comfort me
2F Your Room: 1) Come inside her
2F Your Room: 1) Something lewd
2F Your Room: 2) Fuck her pussy
3rd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
2F Your Room: 2) Call Hina
2F Your Room: 1) Fuck her pussy
2F Your Room: 2) Fuck her ass
2F Your Room: 2) Indirectly ask her feelings
[Ending 2: Together Forever]
2.3 Hina Route 2
1st Day
Beach: 2) Don't help her
Ryuguu Hall 1F Entrance Hall: 2) Don't say anything
1F Living Room: 2) A fantasy about Mari
1F Living Room, Hime's offer: 1) Reject her offer
1F Dining Room, Mayu: 1) Her cooking
1F Dining Room, Hina: 1) About how she looks similar to Mari
1F Dining Room, Mari: 2) Keep pretending
2F Your Room: 2) Stay in the room for a while
2F Your Room: 2) Call Hina
2F Your Room: 2) Do sixty-nine
***Save 3***(For CG collection)
2F Your Room: 1) Make her come
2F Your Room: 1) Continue
2F Your Room: 1) Blow job
2F Your Room: 1) Make Hina serve me
2F Your Room: 1) Tease her with my fingers
2F Your Room: 1) Come inside her
2F Your Room: 1) Continue
2F Your Room: 2) Persuade her
2nd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
1F Living Room: 2) No, I don't want to know
2F Left Hallway: 2) Go to the next place
2F Outside Your Room: 2) I prefer Hina
2F Your Room: 2) Call a maid
2F Your Room: 2) Call Hina
2F Your Room: 2) Ask her to let me play with her body
2F Your Room: 3) Time for discipline
2F Your Room: 2) Fuck her pussy
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her to comfort me
2F Your Room: 1) Call a maid
2F Your Room: 2) Call Hina
Woods: 1) Fuck her ass
3rd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
2F Your Room: 2) Call Hina
***Save 4***(For different endings)
2F Your Room: 2) Concentrate on Hina
[Ending 7: Silent Siren]
Continue from Save 4
2F Your Room: 1) Try for a harem
[Ending 10: Path of Darkness... And Its Destiny]
continue from Save 3
2) I'll come first
2.4 Mayu Route
1st Day
Beach: 2) Don't help her
Ryuguu Hall 1F Entrance Hall: 1) Help her
1F Living Room: 1) A fantasy about Yukari
1F Living Room, Hime's offer: 2) Accept her offer
1F Dining Room, Mayu: 2) Herself
1F Dining Room, Hina: 2) About her voice
1F Dining Room, Mari: 2) Keep pretending
2F Your Room: 2) Stay in the room for a while
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Walk around the second floor
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Go left
2F Left Halllway: 1) Go into the attic
Maids' Room: 1) Apologize earnestly
2nd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
1F Living Room: 2) I'm not satisfied
2F Left Hallway: 1) Peak into the maids' room
2F Outside Your Room: 3) I can't decide
***Save 5***(For CG Route)
2F Your Room: 2) Call a maid
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her to comfort me
2F Your Bathroom: 2) Have her call me 'Big Brother'
2F Your Room: 2) Go to Hime's room
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Argue with her
1F Aya's Room: 2) I don't like her stuffy maid uniform
1F Aya's Room: 1) Feel satisfied
1F Left Hallway: 1) Accept her tempting offer
3rd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
2F Your Room: 2) Be nasty
2F Your Room: Any choices for the next couple decisions will do. I recommend
2) Take a bath together, for a new CG
***Save 6***(For different endings)
2F Your Room: 2) Quit now
[Ending 3: Precious Little Thing]
Continue from Save 6
2F Your Room: 1) Continue
2F Your Room: 2) Want to hear her sexy voice as she comes
[Ending 8: Be My Maid]
2.5 Hime Route
1st Day
Beach: 2) Don't help her
Ryuguu Hall 1F Entrance Hall: 1) Help her
1F Living Room: 1) A fantasy about Yukari
1F Living Room, Hime's offer: 2) Accept her offer
1F Dining Room, Mayu: 2) Herself
1F Dining Room, Hina: 2) About her voice
1F Dining Room, Mari: 1) Tell the truth
2F Your Room: 2) Stay in the room for a while
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 1) Tease her
2F Your Room: 1) Give in to my lust
2F Your Room: 2) Take the time to do it right
2F Your Room: 2) A sadistic thrill
2F Your Room: 2) Embarrass her
2F Your Room: 1) Frustrate her sexually
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 2) Left hallway
1F Left Hallway: 2) Enter the farthest room
2nd Day
1F Dining Room: 1) Do it
1F Hime's Room: 1) Blow job
1F Hime's Room: 1) Come now
1F Hime's Room: 2) Continue
2F Left Hallway: 2) Go to the next place
2F Outside Your Room: 3) I can't decide
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 1) Go right
1F Right Hallway: 1) Enter the living room
1F Living Room: 1) Kill time for a while
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go back to my room
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her to comfort me
2F Your Room: 1) I want to find what this daydream means
3rd Day
1F Dining Room: 1) Do it
1F Left Hallway: 2) Argue with her
1F Left Hallway: 1) To make love to Hime
1F Aya's Room: 2) Tell her about my plan to marry Hime
1F Aya's Room: 1) I do love Hime
Cove: 2) Think about Hime
[Ending 4: Dream's Ending, Future's Beginning]
2.6 Aya Route
1st Day
Beach: 1) Help her
Beach: 1) Reject her invitation
Boat: 2) Ask about the mansion
1F Living Room: 1) A fantasy about Mari
1F Living Room, Hime's offer: 1) Reject her offer
1F Dining Room, Mayu: 1) Her cooking
1F Dining Room, Hina: 1) About how she looks similar to Mari
1F Dining Room, Mari: 1) Ignore her
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 3) Go outside
Outside Mansion: 1) Go to the cove
2nd Day
1F Dining Room: 1) Do it
1F Hime's Room: 1) Petting
2F Left Hallway: 2) Go to the next place
2F Outside Your Room: 3) I can't decide
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 2) Go left
1F Left Hallway: 1) Stop at Aya's room
1F Aya's Room: 2) Stay here a little longer
***Save 7***(For CG Route)
1F Aya's Room: 1) I don't like her aristocratic glasses
1F Aya's Room: 1) Feel satisfied
1F Left Hallway: 2) Refuse her tempting offer
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 3) Time for discipline
2F Your Room: 2) I force her to call me Master
2F Your Room: 1) Use them
2F Your Room: 2) Don't make her come
3rd Day
2F Your Room: 2) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Aya's room
1F Aya's Room: 2) Stuff her mouth with her panties
1F Left Hallway: 1) It's fine like this
1F Hime's Room: Any choice of making her come
1F Left Hallway: 1) Train Aya
1F Aya's Room: 2) It's not enough
1F Aya's Room: Any choice of hole
***Save 8***(For different endings)
1F Aya's Room: 1) To marry her
[Ending 5: Rebirth of Happiness]
Continue from Save 8
1F Aya's Room: 2) To be her Master
1F Left Hallway: 2) Do it now
1F Hime's Room: Any choice is fine as long as you don't choose come. If you
have very little PS Point =5%, the don't choose 2) Petting.
[Ending 9: Path of Darkness]
2.7 CG Route
Continue from Save 5
2nd Day
2F Your Room: 2) Call a maid
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
2F Your Room: 2) Ask her to let me play with her body
2F Your Room: 1) Tease her softly
2F Your Room: 2) Go to Hime's room
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Argue with her
1F Aya's Room: 2) I don't like her stuffy maid uniform
1F Aya's Room: 1) Feel satisfied
1F Left Hallway: 2) Refuse her tempting offer
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
2F Your Room: 2) Ask her to let me play with her body
2F Your Room: 2) Tease her hard
2F Your Room: 1) Scold her
2F Your Room: 1) Scold her
3rd Day
2F Your Room: 2) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 3) Maids' room
2F Outside Your Room: 3) Mayu
Maids' Room: 2) Pursue what you saw
Maids' Room: 2) Kiss her softly
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
2F Your Room: 2) Ask her to let me play with her body
2F Your Room: 2) I'll take my time teaching her
1F Left Hallway: 2) Time for discipline
2F Your Room: 2) Scold her
2F Your Room: 2) I'll take my time teaching her
***Save 9***(For CG collection)
2F Your Room: 1) Make her do something with her pussy
Continue from Save 9
3rd Day
2F Your Room: 2) Make her play with herself
2F Your Room: 1) Have her give me a blow job
CG collection for this part is done. If you want an ending,
2F Your Bathroom: 2) Have a quickie
2F Your Bathroom: 1) Her vagina
2F Your Bathroom: 1) Continue
2F Your Bathroom: 2) Want to hear her sexy voice as she comes
[Ending 8: Be My Maid]
Continue from Save 5
2nd Day
2F Your Room: 1) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 1) Go down to the first floor
1F Entrance Hall: 1) Go right
1F Right Hallway: 1) Enter the living room
1F Living Room: 1) Kill time for a while
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Argue with her
1F Aya's Room: 2) I don't like her stuffy maid uniform
1F Aya's Room: 1) Feel satisfied
1F Left Hallway: 1) Accept her tempting offer
3rd Day
1F Dining Room: 2) Don't do it
2F Your Room: 3) Call Mayu
***Save 10***(For CG collection)
2F Your Room: 1) Playing soft
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her to come back again
2F Your Room: 1) Think about the past with Yukari
2F Your Room: 1) Teach her nasty things
2F Your Room: 1) Take off her underwear
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her
2F Your Room: 1) Ask her
2F Your Room: 2) Time for discipline
Continue from Save 10
2F Your Room: 2) Playing hard
2F Your Bathroom: 2) Have her call me 'Big Brother'
2F Your Room: 2) Scold her
2F Your Room: 2) Scold her
2F Your Room: 2) Come by the other way
2F Your Room: 1) Continue
2F Your Room: 2) Want to hear her sexy voice as she comes
[Ending 8: Be My Maid]
Continue from Save 7
2nd Day
1F Aya's Room: 2) I don't like her stuffy maid uniform
1F Aya's Room: 1) Feel satisfied
1F Left Hallway: 2) Refuse her tempting offer
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 2) Time for discipline
2F Your Room: 2) I force her to call me Master
2F Your Room: 1) Use them
2F Your Room: 1) Make her come
2F Your Room: 1) Call Hina
2F Your Room: 1) Call Mari
2F Your Room: 2) Ask her to let me play with her body
2F Your Room: 1) Come now
3rd Day
2F Your Room: 2) Leave the room
2F Outside Your Room: 2) Aya's room
1F Aya's Room: 2) Stuff her mouth with her panties
1F Left Hallway: 1) It's fine like this
1F Hime's Room: Any choice of making her come
1F Left Hallway: 1) Train Aya
1F Aya's Room: 2) It's not enough
1F Aya's Room: Any choice here will do. Pick your preference.
1F Aya's Room: 2) To be her Master
1F Left Hallway: 2) Do it now
1F Hime's Room: Any choice is fine as long as you don't choose come. If you
have very little PS Point (5%), the don't choose 2) Petting.
[Ending 9: Path of Darkness]
загружено Maiami, 27 декабря 2011
Днем Ridiya обычная милая студентка.
Но все меняется, когда она становится "брутальной наемницей-убийцей".
Вооружена до зубов и это необходимо против элитных убийц.
Конечно, она не из дешевых наемников. Чтобы нанять Ridiya, придеться раскошелиться на 1 миллион зеленых $ баксиков.
В посвященных кругах Её называют "Ядовитый плющ".
"Она Ядовитый плющ. Вы либо выберете жизнь с этой красоткой, любо умрете".
Для Ridiya поставили простую задачу: проникнуть, украсть секретные документы и убрать конкретного человека.
Но её подставили. Это ловушка и теперь её окружают толпа врагов.
Единственный выход - начать кровавую бойню. Это какой-то АД.
Игра - 2D шутер. Стреляем с помощью букв клавиатуры.
Этакий тренинг на скорость жмяканья по кнопкам и внимания.
Активные кнопки:
I J K L W S A D - стрельба по целям;
V - в укрытие.
коды для просмотра галлерей
InconvenientIdeal - Sexy Invitation
PinkKiller - Romantic Night
TheIIIDEmpire - Road to Destruction
TheRedSoil - Withered Ivy
Но все меняется, когда она становится "брутальной наемницей-убийцей".
Вооружена до зубов и это необходимо против элитных убийц.
Конечно, она не из дешевых наемников. Чтобы нанять Ridiya, придеться раскошелиться на 1 миллион зеленых $ баксиков.
В посвященных кругах Её называют "Ядовитый плющ".
"Она Ядовитый плющ. Вы либо выберете жизнь с этой красоткой, любо умрете".
Для Ridiya поставили простую задачу: проникнуть, украсть секретные документы и убрать конкретного человека.
Но её подставили. Это ловушка и теперь её окружают толпа врагов.
Единственный выход - начать кровавую бойню. Это какой-то АД.
Игра - 2D шутер. Стреляем с помощью букв клавиатуры.
Этакий тренинг на скорость жмяканья по кнопкам и внимания.
Активные кнопки:
I J K L W S A D - стрельба по целям;
V - в укрытие.
коды для просмотра галлерей
InconvenientIdeal - Sexy Invitation
PinkKiller - Romantic Night
TheIIIDEmpire - Road to Destruction
TheRedSoil - Withered Ivy
загружено Shannon, 23 декабря 2011
Эйджи Накамура - герой этой истории. Он стал святым отцом, в то время как вёл жизнь бродяги в Европе. Даже после становления отцом, он все еще продолжает ухаживать за девочкам, согласно его философии, "Всегда быть добрым к женщинам." В Японию он приехал спасаясь от Итальянской мафии, так как он переспал с дочерью главного мафиозия. Он возвращается на родину и устраивается священником в школу медсестёр. Конечно, медсестры не могут оставить такого красивого отца одного!
Kango Shicyauzo 2
-Is the Sorority House Burning?- (PC)
Copyright 2003 by Trabulance and G-Collections.com
Ben Woodhouse
May / 19 / 2005
Version 1.00
******************************CONTENT DISCLAIMER*******************************
Kango Shicyauzo 2 is an adult bishoujo game, meaning it contains sex. Therefore
it is intended solely for people over the age of 18. If you are of age and
still find such material objectionable, then you probably have no interest in
playing this game or reading this FAQ.
G-Collections offers a wide selection of bishoujo games!
Visit their website : www.g-collections.com
i. Introduction
ii. System Requirements
iii. Characters
iv. Game Credits
v. Walkthrough
A. Akira
B. Hibari
C. Eleana
D. Yuna
E. Maria
F. Harem
vi. Version History
vii. Copyright Information
Eiji Nakamura's central life philosophy is to show kindness towards women. Not
so much because he's a benevolent soul, but because sweetness and flattery is
his best strategy to get them into bed. And amassing conquests is his main
goal thus far in life. Of course, this pursuit gets him into both personal and
professional trouble. In fact, sleeping with the wrong girl has forced him to
flee from Rome back to Japan, and the Church was more than willing to send him
away because of his misconduct. Yes, the Church; Eiji is a PRIEST!
When the womanizing father returns to Japan, he stumbles into the post of his
lifetime. He's installed as the priest at the St. Michael's Nursing School,
which mean he'll be surrounded by young, pretty girls. He'll even be living
with them in the dorm. Just think, he's supposed to be their moral compass and
protect them from threats, like a sneaky panty thief. Somehow, I think the
students are in more danger now...
Who he terrorizes is up to you. Kango Shicyauzo 2 is a command selection
adventure game with multiple endings. The decisions you make throughout the
game determine if Eiji finds romance at the school. Even if you manage to
secure the affections of a particular girl, you have to make sure to find all
those special scenes. Good luck!
Straight from the back of the box, here are the system requirements:
Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP/Me/98/2000
Mouse(or other pointing device)
Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
-------------------- ------------------------
CPU Pentium II/ 233MHz Pentium II/ 300MHz
Memory 64 MB or higher 96 MB or higher
Display 640 X 480 HighColor 24 bit True Color
CD-ROM 8X or higher 12X or higher
Sound --- CD-DA, DirectSound
Eiji Nakamura
It's already clear that Eiji isn't a man of the cloth as much as he is a man
of the flesh. Make no mistake; he knows exactly how to use his charms. He's
even egotistical about it, saying, "I can't believe how cool I am!" I'm not
sure if I should be excited for him or sorry for the women he meets.
Akira Nagasaki
Even though she's really an outstanding student nurse, Akira's main talent
seems to be the art of pouting. She's constantly upset with his unseemly
behavior and borders on jealousy if he shows interest in other women. She
can't really be blamed, though, since she was crushed when Eiji ran away
without any warning.
Hibari Ishigami
Hibari is Akira's best friend, and she's a very outgoing girl who enjoys
teasing those around her. It's a childish trait, but she looks the part, with
outrageous pigtails and a supposedly flat chest. But as with most characters
that sometimes play the fool, Hibari has a serious side as well.
Eleana Bianchi
It seems that after Eiji had a fling with her older sister, Eleana became
enamored with the young father. So much so that she's come all the way from
Italy to be near him. She tends to make shockingly indecent statements, which
could be blamed on the fact that she's not a native speaker, but more likely
it's just because she's a total seductress.
Yuna Igarashi
It's hard to imagine how exactly Yuna became a teacher at the St. Michael's
School. She is a capable nurse, very gentle, but she never speaks!
Communication with her comes through nods and whimpers, at least until Eiji
can earn her trust.
Maria Nagasaki
Maria is a sister at the nursing school, and her kindness and understanding
makes her popular with the students. However, she also has attributes not
typical of a nun. For one, she actually raised her daughter Akira like any
normal parent. Also, she has a huge appetite, both for food and other illicit
Considering many of the same people are involved in some of these games, their
names are interesting to know.
--<- Direction/Production ->--
Director ............................... Keigo Inoshiba
Game Design ............................... Kosatta Ocha
Scenario ............................... Aprillia
--<- Art ->--
Character Design ............................... Naotaka Shimizu
Graphic Chief ............................... Ash
--<- Voice Acting ->--
Role Cast
---- ----
Akira Nagasaki ............................... Chitose Kamata
Hibari Ishigami ............................... Rurika Harashima
Eleana Bianchi ............................... Milk Uchimura
Yuna Igarashi ............................... Honoka Suzumi
Maria Nagasaki ............................... MIWAKO
--<- Music ->--
Theme Song
Himitsu No Karute
The Secret Medical Records
Music ............................... Tasogare no Yume
Lyrics ............................... Melody Nelson
Vocal ............................... Noriko Saito
Each path in Kango Shicyauzo 2 has two sorts of choices. Some are meant to win
a girl's heart, so it's a good idea to be nice to her whenever possible.
Because this game utilizes the character selection screen, deciding which girl
to pursue takes no thought at all.
After the girl is locked in, some choices can unlock sex scenes. In these
cases, it's best to remember that Eiji isn't exactly one to use patience and
delicacy, so choosing the most direct option will yield the desired results.
If you're not worried about enjoying the game to the fullest on your own and
just want to blaze through without thinking, then this walkthrough will help.
Following each path will unlock all a girl's graphics on the way to her
ending! Enjoy!
| |
|--------------------------------| Akira |--------------------------------|
| |___________| |
To see Akira's ending, follow these steps:
1. Choose Akira from the Character Selection screen.
2. Choose "Ask her."
3. Choose Akira from the Character Selection screen.
4. Choose "Apologize to her."
5. Choose Akira from the Character Selection screen.
6. Choose "Talk to her."
After the harem route is unlocked, an extra choice must be made here.
X. Choose "Have a pure relationship."
7. Choose "No."
8. Choose "You look like a professional nurse."
9. Choose "I don't think you can do it by yourself."
10. Choose "Your work is useless. He's in a coma."
11. Choose "It's not an appropriate topic to talk about in a hospital."
12. Choose "Hug her tightly."
13. Choose "Yeah, the play was great."
14. Choose "Actually, you made a few too many blunders..."
15. Choose "She ruined my fantasy!"
16. Choose "Play with her."
17. Choose "You need to keep practicing."
18. Choose "Touch her butt."
19. Choose "Get aroused."
| |
|--------------------------------| Hibari |---------------------------------|
| |__________| |
To see Hibari's ending, follow these steps:
1. Choose Hibari from the Character Selection screen.
2. Choose "I'll help you."
3. Choose Hibari from the Character Selection screen.
4. Choose "Cheer her up."
5. Choose Hibari from the Character Selection screen.
6. Choose "You mean a sister?"
After the harem route is unlocked, an extra choice must be made here.
X. Choose "Have a pure relationship."
7. Choose "Sure."
8. Choose "You still have a long way to go."
9. Choose "You'd better be careful."
10. Choose "Your work is useless. He's in a coma."
11. Choose "It's not an appropriate topic to talk about in a hospital."
12. Choose "Push her down."
13. Choose "Yeah, the play was great."
14. Choose "Don't worry, the audience loved it."
15. Choose "She ruined my fantasy!"
16. Choose "Show her my fighting spirit."
17. Choose "You were really cute."
18. Choose "Hug her."
| |
|--------------------------------| Eleana |---------------------------------|
| |__________| |
To see Eleana's ending, follow these steps:
1. Choose Eleana from the Character Selection screen.
2. Choose "Heaven will punish you!"
3. Choose Eleana from the Character Selection screen.
4. Choose "It's my fault."
5. Choose Eleana from the Character Selection screen.
6. Choose "I'm sleepy."
After the harem route is unlocked, an extra choice must be made here.
X. Choose "Have a pure relationship."
7. Choose "No."
8. Choose "You look like a professional nurse."
9. Choose "I don't think you can do it by yourself."
10. Choose "He might wake up if you kiss him."
11. Choose "It sounds like a fun story."
12. Choose "Fall to her temptation."
13. Choose "You could have done better, Akira."
14. Choose "Actually, you made a few too many blunders..."
15. Choose "Oh well, I can't blame her."
16. Choose "Play with her."
17. Choose "You were really cute."
18. Choose "Have sex with Eleana."
| |
|--------------------------------| Yuna |---------------------------------|
| |__________| |
To see Yuna's ending, follow these steps:
1. Choose Yuna from the Character Selection screen.
2. Choose "Wait until she's ready."
3. Choose Yuna from the Character Selection screen.
4. Choose "Apologize to her."
5. Choose Yuna from the Character Selection screen.
6. Choose "Carry the stuff into her room."
After the harem route is unlocked, an extra choice must be made here.
X. Choose "Have a pure relationship."
7. Choose "Sure."
8. Choose "You look like a professional nurse."
9. Choose "You'd better be careful."
10. Choose "Your work is useless. He's in a coma."
11. Choose "It sounds like a fun story."
12. Choose "I bug her."
13. Choose "You could have done better, Akira."
14. Choose "Don't worry, the audience loved it."
15. Choose "Oh well, I can't blame her."
16. Choose "Play with her."
17. Choose "You were really cute."
18. Choose "Those are my boobies!"
| |
|--------------------------------| Maria |--------------------------------|
| |___________| |
To see Maria's ending, follow these steps:
1. Choose Maria from the Character Selection screen.
2. Choose "Did you cook for me too?"
3. Choose Maria from the Character Selection screen.
4. Choose "Give her a soft warning."
5. Choose Maria from the Character Selection screen.
6. Choose "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
After the harem route is unlocked, an extra choice must be made here.
X. Choose "Have a pure relationship."
7. Choose "No."
8. Choose "You look like a professional nurse."
9. Choose "I don't think you can do it by yourself."
10. Choose "He might wake up if you kiss him."
11. Choose "It's not an appropriate topic to talk about in a hospital."
12. Choose "Kiss Maria."
13. Choose "Yeah, the play was great."
14. Choose "Actually, you made a few too many blunders..."
15. Choose "Oh well, I can't blame her."
16. Choose "Play with her."
17. Choose "You need to keep practicing."
18. Choose "Alright. Let's take one together."
| |
|--------------------------------| Harem |--------------------------------|
| |___________| |
The harem ending is available after you have cleared the endings of all five
women. Immediately after you clear the fifth ending, Akira and Eleana will
appear to inform you of this "Harem" route. To see it, you'll need to
start a new game. As far as I know, it doesn't matter how you stumble around
the beginning of the game, you just have to make the correct last decision
1. Choose Hibari from the Character Selection screen.
2. Choose "I'll help you."
3. Choose Eleana from the Character Selection screen.
4. Choose "Heaven will punish you!"
5. Choose Yuna from the Character Selection screen.
6. Choose "Wait until she's ready."
7. Choose "I'll make Maria mine."
All CG's and events will now be unlocked, so you can enjoy them anytime!
v1.00 - All information complete.
All information and work in this document is copyright 2005 by Ben Woodhouse
unless otherwise stated and may be not be reproduced under any circumstances
except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this
guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly
prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
Thanks for your cooperation.
This FAQ is approved for posting on websites:
GameFAQs - www.gamefaqs.com
HonestGamers - www.honestgamers.com
IGN.com - www.ign.com
Any other site or publication posting it has ripped this FAQ.
React according to your own moral standards.
If you have any additions or corrections that you feel belong in this
document, feel free to let me know!
Kango Shicyauzo 2
-Is the Sorority House Burning?- (PC)
Copyright 2003 by Trabulance and G-Collections.com
Ben Woodhouse
May / 19 / 2005
Version 1.00
******************************CONTENT DISCLAIMER*******************************
Kango Shicyauzo 2 is an adult bishoujo game, meaning it contains sex. Therefore
it is intended solely for people over the age of 18. If you are of age and
still find such material objectionable, then you probably have no interest in
playing this game or reading this FAQ.
G-Collections offers a wide selection of bishoujo games!
Visit their website : www.g-collections.com
i. Introduction
ii. System Requirements
iii. Characters
iv. Game Credits
v. Walkthrough
A. Akira
B. Hibari
C. Eleana
D. Yuna
E. Maria
F. Harem
vi. Version History
vii. Copyright Information
Eiji Nakamura's central life philosophy is to show kindness towards women. Not
so much because he's a benevolent soul, but because sweetness and flattery is
his best strategy to get them into bed. And amassing conquests is his main
goal thus far in life. Of course, this pursuit gets him into both personal and
professional trouble. In fact, sleeping with the wrong girl has forced him to
flee from Rome back to Japan, and the Church was more than willing to send him
away because of his misconduct. Yes, the Church; Eiji is a PRIEST!
When the womanizing father returns to Japan, he stumbles into the post of his
lifetime. He's installed as the priest at the St. Michael's Nursing School,
which mean he'll be surrounded by young, pretty girls. He'll even be living
with them in the dorm. Just think, he's supposed to be their moral compass and
protect them from threats, like a sneaky panty thief. Somehow, I think the
students are in more danger now...
Who he terrorizes is up to you. Kango Shicyauzo 2 is a command selection
adventure game with multiple endings. The decisions you make throughout the
game determine if Eiji finds romance at the school. Even if you manage to
secure the affections of a particular girl, you have to make sure to find all
those special scenes. Good luck!
Straight from the back of the box, here are the system requirements:
Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP/Me/98/2000
Mouse(or other pointing device)
Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
-------------------- ------------------------
CPU Pentium II/ 233MHz Pentium II/ 300MHz
Memory 64 MB or higher 96 MB or higher
Display 640 X 480 HighColor 24 bit True Color
CD-ROM 8X or higher 12X or higher
Sound --- CD-DA, DirectSound
Eiji Nakamura
It's already clear that Eiji isn't a man of the cloth as much as he is a man
of the flesh. Make no mistake; he knows exactly how to use his charms. He's
even egotistical about it, saying, "I can't believe how cool I am!" I'm not
sure if I should be excited for him or sorry for the women he meets.
Akira Nagasaki
Even though she's really an outstanding student nurse, Akira's main talent
seems to be the art of pouting. She's constantly upset with his unseemly
behavior and borders on jealousy if he shows interest in other women. She
can't really be blamed, though, since she was crushed when Eiji ran away
without any warning.
Hibari Ishigami
Hibari is Akira's best friend, and she's a very outgoing girl who enjoys
teasing those around her. It's a childish trait, but she looks the part, with
outrageous pigtails and a supposedly flat chest. But as with most characters
that sometimes play the fool, Hibari has a serious side as well.
Eleana Bianchi
It seems that after Eiji had a fling with her older sister, Eleana became
enamored with the young father. So much so that she's come all the way from
Italy to be near him. She tends to make shockingly indecent statements, which
could be blamed on the fact that she's not a native speaker, but more likely
it's just because she's a total seductress.
Yuna Igarashi
It's hard to imagine how exactly Yuna became a teacher at the St. Michael's
School. She is a capable nurse, very gentle, but she never speaks!
Communication with her comes through nods and whimpers, at least until Eiji
can earn her trust.
Maria Nagasaki
Maria is a sister at the nursing school, and her kindness and understanding
makes her popular with the students. However, she also has attributes not
typical of a nun. For one, she actually raised her daughter Akira like any
normal parent. Also, she has a huge appetite, both for food and other illicit
Considering many of the same people are involved in some of these games, their
names are interesting to know.
--<- Direction/Production ->--
Director ............................... Keigo Inoshiba
Game Design ............................... Kosatta Ocha
Scenario ............................... Aprillia
--<- Art ->--
Character Design ............................... Naotaka Shimizu
Graphic Chief ............................... Ash
--<- Voice Acting ->--
Role Cast
---- ----
Akira Nagasaki ............................... Chitose Kamata
Hibari Ishigami ............................... Rurika Harashima
Eleana Bianchi ............................... Milk Uchimura
Yuna Igarashi ............................... Honoka Suzumi
Maria Nagasaki ............................... MIWAKO
--<- Music ->--
Theme Song
Himitsu No Karute
The Secret Medical Records
Music ............................... Tasogare no Yume
Lyrics ............................... Melody Nelson
Vocal ............................... Noriko Saito
Each path in Kango Shicyauzo 2 has two sorts of choices. Some are meant to win
a girl's heart, so it's a good idea to be nice to her whenever possible.
Because this game utilizes the character selection screen, deciding which girl
to pursue takes no thought at all.
After the girl is locked in, some choices can unlock sex scenes. In these
cases, it's best to remember that Eiji isn't exactly one to use patience and
delicacy, so choosing the most direct option will yield the desired results.
If you're not worried about enjoying the game to the fullest on your own and
just want to blaze through without thinking, then this walkthrough will help.
Following each path will unlock all a girl's graphics on the way to her
ending! Enjoy!
| |
|--------------------------------| Akira |--------------------------------|
| |___________| |
To see Akira's ending, follow these steps:
1. Choose Akira from the Character Selection screen.
2. Choose "Ask her."
3. Choose Akira from the Character Selection screen.
4. Choose "Apologize to her."
5. Choose Akira from the Character Selection screen.
6. Choose "Talk to her."
After the harem route is unlocked, an extra choice must be made here.
X. Choose "Have a pure relationship."
7. Choose "No."
8. Choose "You look like a professional nurse."
9. Choose "I don't think you can do it by yourself."
10. Choose "Your work is useless. He's in a coma."
11. Choose "It's not an appropriate topic to talk about in a hospital."
12. Choose "Hug her tightly."
13. Choose "Yeah, the play was great."
14. Choose "Actually, you made a few too many blunders..."
15. Choose "She ruined my fantasy!"
16. Choose "Play with her."
17. Choose "You need to keep practicing."
18. Choose "Touch her butt."
19. Choose "Get aroused."
| |
|--------------------------------| Hibari |---------------------------------|
| |__________| |
To see Hibari's ending, follow these steps:
1. Choose Hibari from the Character Selection screen.
2. Choose "I'll help you."
3. Choose Hibari from the Character Selection screen.
4. Choose "Cheer her up."
5. Choose Hibari from the Character Selection screen.
6. Choose "You mean a sister?"
After the harem route is unlocked, an extra choice must be made here.
X. Choose "Have a pure relationship."
7. Choose "Sure."
8. Choose "You still have a long way to go."
9. Choose "You'd better be careful."
10. Choose "Your work is useless. He's in a coma."
11. Choose "It's not an appropriate topic to talk about in a hospital."
12. Choose "Push her down."
13. Choose "Yeah, the play was great."
14. Choose "Don't worry, the audience loved it."
15. Choose "She ruined my fantasy!"
16. Choose "Show her my fighting spirit."
17. Choose "You were really cute."
18. Choose "Hug her."
| |
|--------------------------------| Eleana |---------------------------------|
| |__________| |
To see Eleana's ending, follow these steps:
1. Choose Eleana from the Character Selection screen.
2. Choose "Heaven will punish you!"
3. Choose Eleana from the Character Selection screen.
4. Choose "It's my fault."
5. Choose Eleana from the Character Selection screen.
6. Choose "I'm sleepy."
After the harem route is unlocked, an extra choice must be made here.
X. Choose "Have a pure relationship."
7. Choose "No."
8. Choose "You look like a professional nurse."
9. Choose "I don't think you can do it by yourself."
10. Choose "He might wake up if you kiss him."
11. Choose "It sounds like a fun story."
12. Choose "Fall to her temptation."
13. Choose "You could have done better, Akira."
14. Choose "Actually, you made a few too many blunders..."
15. Choose "Oh well, I can't blame her."
16. Choose "Play with her."
17. Choose "You were really cute."
18. Choose "Have sex with Eleana."
| |
|--------------------------------| Yuna |---------------------------------|
| |__________| |
To see Yuna's ending, follow these steps:
1. Choose Yuna from the Character Selection screen.
2. Choose "Wait until she's ready."
3. Choose Yuna from the Character Selection screen.
4. Choose "Apologize to her."
5. Choose Yuna from the Character Selection screen.
6. Choose "Carry the stuff into her room."
After the harem route is unlocked, an extra choice must be made here.
X. Choose "Have a pure relationship."
7. Choose "Sure."
8. Choose "You look like a professional nurse."
9. Choose "You'd better be careful."
10. Choose "Your work is useless. He's in a coma."
11. Choose "It sounds like a fun story."
12. Choose "I bug her."
13. Choose "You could have done better, Akira."
14. Choose "Don't worry, the audience loved it."
15. Choose "Oh well, I can't blame her."
16. Choose "Play with her."
17. Choose "You were really cute."
18. Choose "Those are my boobies!"
| |
|--------------------------------| Maria |--------------------------------|
| |___________| |
To see Maria's ending, follow these steps:
1. Choose Maria from the Character Selection screen.
2. Choose "Did you cook for me too?"
3. Choose Maria from the Character Selection screen.
4. Choose "Give her a soft warning."
5. Choose Maria from the Character Selection screen.
6. Choose "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
After the harem route is unlocked, an extra choice must be made here.
X. Choose "Have a pure relationship."
7. Choose "No."
8. Choose "You look like a professional nurse."
9. Choose "I don't think you can do it by yourself."
10. Choose "He might wake up if you kiss him."
11. Choose "It's not an appropriate topic to talk about in a hospital."
12. Choose "Kiss Maria."
13. Choose "Yeah, the play was great."
14. Choose "Actually, you made a few too many blunders..."
15. Choose "Oh well, I can't blame her."
16. Choose "Play with her."
17. Choose "You need to keep practicing."
18. Choose "Alright. Let's take one together."
| |
|--------------------------------| Harem |--------------------------------|
| |___________| |
The harem ending is available after you have cleared the endings of all five
women. Immediately after you clear the fifth ending, Akira and Eleana will
appear to inform you of this "Harem" route. To see it, you'll need to
start a new game. As far as I know, it doesn't matter how you stumble around
the beginning of the game, you just have to make the correct last decision
1. Choose Hibari from the Character Selection screen.
2. Choose "I'll help you."
3. Choose Eleana from the Character Selection screen.
4. Choose "Heaven will punish you!"
5. Choose Yuna from the Character Selection screen.
6. Choose "Wait until she's ready."
7. Choose "I'll make Maria mine."
All CG's and events will now be unlocked, so you can enjoy them anytime!
v1.00 - All information complete.
All information and work in this document is copyright 2005 by Ben Woodhouse
unless otherwise stated and may be not be reproduced under any circumstances
except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this
guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly
prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
Thanks for your cooperation.
This FAQ is approved for posting on websites:
GameFAQs - www.gamefaqs.com
HonestGamers - www.honestgamers.com
IGN.com - www.ign.com
Any other site or publication posting it has ripped this FAQ.
React according to your own moral standards.
If you have any additions or corrections that you feel belong in this
document, feel free to let me know!
загружено Shannon, 23 декабря 2011
1 часть:
Родители Реити уехали отдыхать и оставили его жить у тетушки, владелицы ресторана. В хозяйстве ей помогают три дочки, с мыслями о которых наш герой теперь и засыпает, и просыпается. Его нетрудно понять: девушки молодые, фигуристые и безумно раскованные. Однажды тетя предложила нашему герою стать владельцем ее ресторана, для чего необходимо женится на одной из трех ее прекрасных дочек. Выбор самой-самой доставил пареньку массу хлопот, причем весьма приятных.
2 часть:
Еще одна анимешная сказочка поведает о том, как один озабоченный школьник становится настоятелем храма и жадно любит по очереди всех своих служительниц, которые учатся иметь терпение, чтобы терпеть имение. Поначалу приватно, а потом и всем скопом сразу. Аналогично прочим хентайским интерактивным историям, CSMT2 имеет множество весьма пикантных концовок, до которых вы сможете добраться только, если будете выбирать "правильные" реплики в диалогах с главными героинями. Какая же из фраз приведет вас в итоге к очередной горячительной сцене, а какая к удручающему финалу, где вам не будет никакого секса, а направят прямиком в суровую монашескую школу, понять можно только после многократного использования метода "научного тыка". После неоднократного рестарта, чтения одних и тех же занудных разговоров и неожиданно-ожидаемого провала руки опускаются, и проходить заново хочется все меньше. В общем, данное прохождение поможет вам избежать нудной рутины, посмотреть все концовки, открыть все сценки и даже поглазеть на несколько финальных, не побоюсь этого слова - оргий, в которых будут принимать активное участие сразу все представленные персонажи. Правда, открыть этот кусочек данного эротического опуса вы сможете только, если сперва раскрутите на "неземную любовь" по очереди всех четырех девиц
Родители Реити уехали отдыхать и оставили его жить у тетушки, владелицы ресторана. В хозяйстве ей помогают три дочки, с мыслями о которых наш герой теперь и засыпает, и просыпается. Его нетрудно понять: девушки молодые, фигуристые и безумно раскованные. Однажды тетя предложила нашему герою стать владельцем ее ресторана, для чего необходимо женится на одной из трех ее прекрасных дочек. Выбор самой-самой доставил пареньку массу хлопот, причем весьма приятных.
2 часть:
Еще одна анимешная сказочка поведает о том, как один озабоченный школьник становится настоятелем храма и жадно любит по очереди всех своих служительниц, которые учатся иметь терпение, чтобы терпеть имение. Поначалу приватно, а потом и всем скопом сразу. Аналогично прочим хентайским интерактивным историям, CSMT2 имеет множество весьма пикантных концовок, до которых вы сможете добраться только, если будете выбирать "правильные" реплики в диалогах с главными героинями. Какая же из фраз приведет вас в итоге к очередной горячительной сцене, а какая к удручающему финалу, где вам не будет никакого секса, а направят прямиком в суровую монашескую школу, понять можно только после многократного использования метода "научного тыка". После неоднократного рестарта, чтения одних и тех же занудных разговоров и неожиданно-ожидаемого провала руки опускаются, и проходить заново хочется все меньше. В общем, данное прохождение поможет вам избежать нудной рутины, посмотреть все концовки, открыть все сценки и даже поглазеть на несколько финальных, не побоюсь этого слова - оргий, в которых будут принимать активное участие сразу все представленные персонажи. Правда, открыть этот кусочек данного эротического опуса вы сможете только, если сперва раскрутите на "неземную любовь" по очереди всех четырех девиц
Хентай игры
Private Nurse [Angel Smile]
загружено Shannon, 23 декабря 2011
Вашего героя зовут Хироки Рикидо. Он живёт один и учится в выпускном классе, но жизнь потеряла для него смысл, так как он тяжело болен. Иногда он теряет сознание прямо посреди улицы. Все попытки докторов вылечить его не дали никакого результата. Утром он идёт в школу с Аяно, которая иногда подвозит его на мопеде, в школе он спит в кабинете медсестры и не может посещать уроки физкультуры. Однажды в его жизнь входит Мария - частная медсестра. Она сообщила Хироки, что его мать наняла её чтобы она заботилась о нем. Она будет жить с ним в его квартире в течении месяца. Хироки решает дать ей испытательный срок. Если его состояние улучшится, он позволит ей остаться с ним в течение месяца. Мария принимает его предложение. Аяно тихо наблюдает со смешанными чувствами.
Интерактивный роман с элементами хентая. Причём хентай занимает последнее место, до него вы доберётесь очень не скоро. Всего в игре 4 окончания игры. По одному с каждой девушкой и одно ни с кем.
Интерактивный роман с элементами хентая. Причём хентай занимает последнее место, до него вы доберётесь очень не скоро. Всего в игре 4 окончания игры. По одному с каждой девушкой и одно ни с кем.
загружено Maiami, 20 декабря 2011
Случилось так, что парню пришлось поучить свою сестренку плавать.
Дома кроме них никого не было...
А на сестре купальник классно смотрится...
Парень не смог сдержать себя в такой атмосфере.
Он чувствовал тело своей сестренки! Лизал её соски, а пальчики скользили в запретное место...
Их бесконечное вожделение и запретная любовь! В тайне от родительского ока.
Они стали любовниками и получали удовольствие.
3DCG FLASH-анимация с сюжетом и возможностью немного потыкать пробел (действие).
Дома кроме них никого не было...
А на сестре купальник классно смотрится...
Парень не смог сдержать себя в такой атмосфере.
Он чувствовал тело своей сестренки! Лизал её соски, а пальчики скользили в запретное место...
Их бесконечное вожделение и запретная любовь! В тайне от родительского ока.
Они стали любовниками и получали удовольствие.
3DCG FLASH-анимация с сюжетом и возможностью немного потыкать пробел (действие).
Хентай игры
Shoujo jigoku [Nijigen Shoujo]
загружено Maiami, 17 декабря 2011
Внимание! Игра не идет в он-лайн режиме, поэтому она идет только на скачивание
Хентай игры
FAEOS-Natsuki [isotonix]
загружено Maiami, 17 декабря 2011
Идол девушка пробуется в эротической сессии. Жаркий солнечный день на пляже.Её обнаженное тело выставлено на показ публике. Не окажет ли она услугу начинающим пловцам?
Первая работа isotonix в AfterEffects + Flash в хентае.
Первая работа isotonix в AfterEffects + Flash в хентае.