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Trititi (16 июня 2020 20:44) №324
Используй теги с права, и отключи капс
Zimus (16 июня 2020 19:14) №323
lambda (11 июня 2020 13:45) №322
Ведь лучше играть на 65", чем на 5", верно? :3

Для Android:

Куда кидать патч я не ведаю, скорее всего в Android/data или Android/obb, после первого запуска создаётся папка игры) Гугл в помощь
Hemera69 (11 июня 2020 12:25) №321
Я так понял это не на андроид а на компьютер да?
lambda (11 июня 2020 04:09) №320
Not much

Hi guys, I hope you are all well.

I really can't think of anything interesting to tell you guys this week I'm afraid. I've just been working on the next update. I did get my second animation done, many more to go :)

Obviously I still have done some renders for you guys though.
This time the scenario is was supplied by Tarakis. I hope you enjoy.

So that's all I have for you this week :(
Thank you all as always and take care.

Yes of course, как всегда :)
Hemera69 (10 июня 2020 23:28) №319
Это же на английском языке да?
lambda (10 июня 2020 14:34) №318
С оригинальной версией от разработчика + инцест патч всё в порядке, пройдена с начала. https://h-chan.me/games/27607-the-visit-stiglet.html#297

Могли при "русификации" сломать что-нибудь.
Oreolet (10 июня 2020 11:37) №317
на ПК тоже вылетает постоянно, в основном на сменах сцен, не важно анимационных или статичных, попробовал на предыдущей закачанной версии поиграть (у меня она 0.9), всё нормально =(
Kapelion (5 июня 2020 10:17) №316
ждем очень ждем ))
lambda (4 июня 2020 03:51) №315
Tough love

Hi guys, I hope you are all doing well.

Another week gone, it goes way too fast for me, there isn't enough time in the day.
Work's still going fine, as you can see above Rosa is going to get some "love" in this ending too. She's been a bit left out for a while now so it's only fair.
I put a poll up on sunday so if you're a $10 patron go go go and vote.
Speaking of dollars, I believe Patreon has now started charging US residents sales tax. I have no direct control over this however I am able to vaguely define my tiers in terms of how taxble they should be as the sales tax only applies to certain things like downloadable digital goods.
Hopefully many of you didn't have to pay much as I set most of the tiers to 90% "General support" which I believe not subject to tax in most states. I think this is fair. Even though I create a game, it's released free for the public eventually. It's also not hard to find links to the latest version without becoming a patron either so I think it's more than fair to say most of you are here because you want to support my work.

Anyways, this week's custom renders are for a patron who is a very big fan of Nikki and Karen (Aren't we all?) and wanted to see them in their one piece swimsuits.

I hope you all enjoy and that's all from me for this week.
Thank you all as always and take care.
Kainlid (3 июня 2020 17:48) №314
Да андроид версия вылетает каждые минут 5.
Hemera69 (3 июня 2020 00:41) №313
Кажется это из-за ФПС! Я не знаю... короче я старался играть с сохранением (часто сохранялся) и это сработало но так же вылетало через минуту или две... Я прошёл пролог но нечего не изменился так же вылетало. Ну не знаю пока я не играть
Хентай-тян (3 июня 2020 00:05) №312
нет, я не играю, поэтому только с помощью сейва могу найти этот момент
где и как найти сейвы - https://x2.h-chan.me/renpy_saves_android.html
Hemera69 (3 июня 2020 00:04) №311
Извините я немножко не соображаю с (сейвами)... но я могу примерно объяснить где именно. Вы же играете надеюсь... короче в прологе есть момент где ты должен идти в тренажёрный зал в своём доме с НИККИ! Гг заходит и потом происходит диалог! После диалога Гг (ну скажем наблюдает) после наблюдения у меня вылетает. Я не особо разбираюсь с сейвами... надеюсь вы поймёте a145
vladlogvik (2 июня 2020 23:11) №310
Вопрос, а гаремная ветка после секса с матерью и тёткой в общаге, продолжаеться или еще будет выходить?
Хентай-тян (2 июня 2020 22:56) №309
выложите сейв перед моментом, который вылетает
Hemera69 (2 июня 2020 22:48) №308
Ну.... у меня просто вылетает... играю и вылет! Не знаю у меня версия андроид 9 ну не последняя но почему-то вылетает из игры... хз
Хентай-тян (2 июня 2020 11:38) №307
Какую-нибудь ошибку показывает?
Hemera69 (2 июня 2020 09:44) №306
У меня вылетает когда я иду в спортзал (это пролог) с НИККИ. Вроде нормально идёт потом раз и вылетает... 3 раза так же дошёл до спортзала и так же вылетала... (это андроид версия)
Хентай-тян (1 июня 2020 23:51) №305
Добавлена версия 0.12.3a
lambda (1 июня 2020 03:47) №304
Officer Juru and Dr. Williams outfit poll

Hi guys, Here's a new poll for you.

I want to feature these two lovely ladies in the next update but they need something to wear. So each lady has her own set of outfits to choose from. The outfit with the most votes in each set will win. You can vote for as many or as few as you like.

I tried to provide a bit of variety but it can be a pain just getting clothing to fit these two, I might change the colors too depending how they look when I come to actually create scenes with them.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy and happy voting.
lambda (28 мая 2020 04:10) №303
A mouthful

Hi guys, it's just me again.

I hope you are all well, things are good here, work is going fine. I've gotten one animation complete now, but with so many ladies involved in this ending I'm going to have many more to do.

I'm sure that sounds like great news but on the other hand it means lots of work for me!

I'll probably reuse/recycle some existing content like the last update so I can focus my time on new stuff. We'll see how it goes, I don't really have any idea how long it's going to take at this point.

Not much else to say this week. I'll try and get a poll up at the weekend for you guys to take part in.

For this weeks 4k custom render I was given a picture to try and replicate.

The patron is a Nikki fan and wanted to see her similar to this i.imgur.com/B0zNJPU.jpg using her phone by the pool.

I tried my best. The most difficult part was even finding a dress (apron?) thing that was even remotely similar. But anyway here's my attempt.

It was also hard to replicate the pose exactly as Nikki's boobs tended to get in the way too :).
Anyway, that's all I have for you this week.
Thank you all as always and take care.
lambda (22 мая 2020 06:53) №302
Nothing compares

Hey guys, I trust you are all doing well.

After last week's post I'll keep it a bit shorter this time.

Things are fine here, I'm working on the "Harem" ending now. While Karen, Nikki and Haley are our MC's three main love interests and will be the main focus, I still want to have a few of the side characters appear again.

I'm not certain yet how I'll shoehorn them in, perhaps an alternate ending within the ending. I'll think of something.

Not all the patrons that I sent messages out to about having a custom render made for them responded. I planned to send out some more to the next highest lifetime supporting patrons when I thought I could just make this an on going thing. I could just slowly work my way down the entire list. It might take a while (I might never get to everyone) but why not?

Anyway, this week's Patron wished to remain anonymous, their choice of scenario is perhaps as controversial as last week's, if not more so. Because of that I made more palatable version, the requested version will be attached below. Remember, these renders are just for fun.

I hope you enjoy guys and I'll see you all next week.
Thank you all as always and take care.
Hemera69 (14 мая 2020 23:58) №301
А когда перевод будет? Мне интересно поиграть...
lambda (14 мая 2020 02:57) №300
That went smoothly

Hi guys I hope you are all well.

First of all, I hope you all enjoyed the update. I know some of you may have had issues with it. I hope the fixes helped.

I've looked more into how Ren'py handles prediction, caching and what I can do to maybe help keep things stable.

First of all I thought I might explain how I implement the animations in Ren'py and why I don't use other ways (Like video files). It's not really important but I thought it might interest some of you. You can always just skip down to the sexy pictures.

So currently the frames for the animations are saved as individual jpegs and I use Ren'py's built in animation and transform language to play them in a loop. Typically it plays and loops perfect smoothly. Ren'py holds all the images for the animation in memory and just displays them over and over. It's pretty low CPU usage and renpy will also start putting the images into memory before it's even time to play the animation.

The alternative is a video file. Renpy handles these completely differently. There is no preloading or caching that I can tell. That means every time the video starts it has to load the video file. So if I create a video file with the same amount of frames as the jpeg animation, it will be reloading the file every half a second for so as the animation loops over and over. This creates a very noticeable stutter. I could make the video file longer, containing more loops of the animation, this means it would play longer before it gets reloaded and stutters. I tried this, but there are other issues. Ren'py doesn't use hardware decoding expect on android. So just high frame rate 1080p takes a significant amount of CPU usage.

As I said before, video's don't get cached, so switching between angles and views always produces a stutter. The first method on the other hand works great, at least for me. I thought the choice was clear.

Turns out the first solution has a major drawback. Ren'py stores the images in memory uncompressed. So I think about 120 frames takes up about 1GB of memory or so. My 4x interpolated animations were 80 frames each, cache 3 of those and that's 240 frames.

Not a problem when the system I'm testing on has 32GB but a problem for older systems, and especially mobile devices. Then add to the fact it seeming duplicates the images in Vram. Again, not a problem if you have a GPU with 11GB, but if it's an older GPU, or even worse, a integrated GPU that shares it's memory with main system ram. Not good.

So there is a option in Ren'py that can limit the amount of memory used for caching, I think for the future I will set this to 1GB, I'll only use 2x interpolation too, so only 40 frames per animation loop. This should give the best balance between smoothness and stutterlessness (Not sure that's a real word). For android I still may have to go back to just using 20 frames per animation. Oh well. If anyone knows a better way I'm all ears.

Another thing that I read a few reports about was all the animations playing at the same speed. This puzzled me at first as they worked fine for me and the code clearly had the frame times different for the different speeds.

It seems renpy doesn't like playing animations faster than the games refresh rate, or at least it slows them down somewhat. It sets this based on the monitors refresh rate. So the initial set of 4x animations ran at 90fps 120fps and 180fps. If played on a 60hz monitor they apparently would all look the same.

Even using the 2x interpolation they would be 45fps, 60fps and 90fps. The top two speed would appear the same. So going forward Ill play the top speed without using the interpolated frames, 45fps in this example. It should still play smooth because, it's still 45fps after all. Lots of lessons learned I guess.

Enough of that crap. Continuing with some renders commissioned but a few of my top lifetime supporters, we have Karen having some fun with Nikki. You can thank TheGreatCornholio for this one.

I hope you like them. There is also a third "Alternative" render that was requested. I'll only attach it below as it might not be for everyone.
That's all from me this week guys. Thank you all as always and take care.
Third render:

lambda (12 мая 2020 13:03) №299
Знаете, в настройках "пропускать непрочитанный текст", нажимаем Tab, игра перематывается до окна с выбором, кликаем, жмём Tab, повторяем. ~5 минут и вот концовка.
66666655 (12 мая 2020 10:27) №298
Знаете, как финальная выйдет, сейвы бы на все концовки, примерно с момента как все всё узнали.
lambda (12 мая 2020 09:50) №297
GunterFolsie (10 мая 2020 08:24) №296
Ну,с английским у меня всё плохо так что жду перевода
lambda (10 мая 2020 06:23) №295
The Visit 0.12.3

Update: I don't know if many of you are having issues with the animations but I've created a new images script that should half the amount of frames in each. This seems to make the game a bit more stable. Just drop the images.rpy file attached below in TheVisit-0.12.3-pc\game folder. For mac I really don't know but I guess it should be in the folder where scripts.rpa already exists.

Images script attached below, be sure after you've downloaded it to rename it to images.rpy


У некоторых возникли проблемы с анимацией, так что подоспел hotfix.
Скачиваем файл по ссылке, удаляем "665248_" из названия, и копируем его в папку "game".

Мне далеко до Киану, но спасибо a047
474 Комментариев
