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Urakai (26 января 2021 01:35) №252
Я теку от этой истории во многих играх иногда просто скипаешь некотрые моменты не касающегося сюжета а ты тут проникаешь в историю я даже. Загугл кто такая Инанна в По поводу выборов тут они работают на 50/50 некотрые влияют на событие а некотрые нет
Grabick (14 января 2021 11:11) №251
ну а что ты хотел версия обновилась всего на 0.5
Мрякула (11 января 2021 06:14) №250
Супер мега мало в новой версии. И я даже не про дроч контент
Хентай-тян (10 января 2021 16:47) №249
Добавлена версия 0.6.5
H-ChanXXX (9 января 2021 04:17) №248
Такой вопрос, выборы которые делаешь в сознаний Марии сильно влияют? И если не сложно подкиньте ответы, которые не сломают и не изменят русло ее сознания
Wfrm (1 января 2021 19:15) №247
Мое почтение
Nubuz (15 декабря 2020 20:10) №245
Сегодня мне исполнилось 30. Теперь я уже совсем взрослый!

Что ж, вот и подошло к концу мое третье десятилетие. Даже удивительно, что я выжил, с моей удачей! Но я все еще здесь - с тобой, чему ужасно рад. Спасибо за поддержку в этом году. Надеюсь, десятилетие будет продуктивным.

P.S. Готовится обновление. Остается порядка 20-25% работы.
lambda (15 декабря 2020 18:54) №244
Happy Birthday to me!

Today I turned 30. Now I'm quite an adult!

Well, now my third decade has come to an end. It's even surprising that I survived, with my luck! But I'm still here - with you, which is terribly happy. Thank you for supporting me this year. Hopefully the decade will be productive.

P.S. An update is being prepared. There is about 20-25% of the work left.
lambda (9 декабря 2020 14:46) №243
Promised post

Hello everyone!

I promised to write a post today, here it is. I will tell you right away, I will write briefly, since I can be at the computer for a limited time, and I have spent my limit for today.

About the disease.

For those who don't know, I've had very serious spinal problems for over a year now because I work 8 hours at the computer and then go home and continue to sit at the computer making a game. To be more precise, I have a problem with the lumbar spine.
I was already used to living with this disease, but now I have problems with the thoracic and cervical spine. In General, there is little good. And the problem is that it's essentially untreated. The doctors advised me to sit at the computer less, buy a new mattress and pillow, go to the pool, gym and massage, etc. (Although for some reason they did not say how I should pay for all this if I can't sit at the computer)
I don't know what to do yet. I think I should make an exact schedule for how long I can work and follow it. There are no other ideas yet. Don't worry, I'm not going to quit working on the game, and I'm working on an update right now! Speaking of which.

About the update.

To be honest, I am to blame for the delay in this update, not my illness. Due to the fact that I had a lot of time, I relaxed. At first, I experimented a lot and learned new things in Daz, and then I decided to change the plan for a new Chapter. If I just did what I had to do, I might have released an update by now. ☹
Plus, I'm sure a lot of people won't like this update because there are no bed scenes. At all. Yes, yes, I know. But what can I do? The bed scene looked very ridiculous at such a moment.
In short, I'm sure that half of my patrons will unsubscribe from me again. But this is probably fair. If you don't release content, you don't get help. But anyway, thanks a lot to everyone who supported me this month! For the first time in two and a half years I saw $ 1000 of support. It is very cool!

Okay, I'm going to rest, or there'll be problems again. Sorry again for another delay.

P.S. While I was under the drip, I dreamed of such a nurse. My dream didn't come true, but at least I'll make you happy. <3



The update is almost complete, all that remains is to check the Russian text, send for translation, check the translation and prepare the title page of the chapter. A lot of work, actually! But this no longer depends on me.
And I had such an idea. If I still didn't have time to release the update in November, can I prepare a much larger update in December? Well, that is, to release it not now, but in 2 weeks. But already a more complete version, with a normal ending, with a pastel scene, with animations.
For me, of course, it is more profitable to release several updates. The more often the updates are, the more people see the game. But I feel that many will be disappointed with this update. And I would like to please you. Well, I also want to release something more complete.
I myself am not sure what to do, so I ask for your opinion. So please post it!

At the expense of health.

I feel better, but at the end of the day I don't feel very well. Plus a lot of time to go to rest. Thank you for your interest! <3
Rustovich (16 ноября 2020 19:29) №242
Закинь автору хотя бы бакс, уже полезнее будет)
anipsix (9 ноября 2020 04:22) №241
сюжет хороший.Продолжение охота
Мрякула (9 ноября 2020 01:24) №240
чаще всего, в играх подобного жанра, с завораживающим сюжетом, 60% сюжета и 40% порнухи
но тут все 85% сюжета и 15% порнухи, причём, в некоторых местах, притянуто зауши. Хорошо это или плохо - другой разговор.
Читать очень интересно, а вот использовать затвор - не очень.
hadsa (8 ноября 2020 17:22) №239
Если проиграешь несколько раз, то тебе дадут выбор. Выйграть автоматически? Помоему так было. Давно не играл.
OldZnahar (8 ноября 2020 00:38) №238
Неплохо так текста добавили)
lolscka (7 ноября 2020 14:38) №237
А что за баг с пинг понгом на андроиде? Там тип нельзя выйграть
qweasdzxcvbnfghrty (7 ноября 2020 11:31) №236
Киньте сейвы для неё
Хентай-тян (7 ноября 2020 03:31) №235
Добавлена версия 0.6
lambda (6 ноября 2020 19:52) №234
The Intoxicating Flavor 0.6 RUS

Игра PC: https://mega.nz/file/1IlUXZYY#gGKaYojefoRRV...D5BvB7c4tlB39vA
Nubuz (1 ноября 2020 22:30) №233
lambda (1 ноября 2020 04:58) №232
Happy Halloween!


Thank you very much for your tips and comments regarding the new game. Your opinion is unambiguous. You all (absolutely everyone!) want me to keep making TIF. And who am I to go against your will? Hence, to continue to be! Thank you for sharing your opinion.

Expect the next update to be at the end of the month. Hopefully nothing happens and the update will be big.

There is nothing special to write. Now I have a little rest because of my back, but tomorrow I will start working at full strength.

Happy Halloween everyone, and have a nice rest. And health to all of you, now it is very important.
Hemera69 (30 октября 2020 06:39) №231
Вроде уже вышла обновление! На андроид.
barguzin (30 октября 2020 03:01) №230
Надорвался человек, надеюсь отдых пойдет ему на пользу, тем более надо сводить концы с концами.
lambda (30 сентября 2020 20:08) №228
About future (ВНИМАНИЕ)

Well, to begin with, I would like to apologize for the post at the beginning of the month called "Thoughts." Apparently Google has incorrectly translated the phrase "unsubscribe from me" to "subscribe to me" Otherwise, I don't understand why I have so much support this month.

A quick FAQ for what I plan to do next.
Is the game closed for good? - No, I think in January-February 2021 the game will start updating again.

What are the reasons? – Slow development, with low support.

What are you going to do during these 3-4 months? - I'll try to completely redo the first and second chapters, edit all the English text, add additional animations and make other minor edits and changes. In addition, I am considering creating another simpler game in terms of storyline, to make money. To pay the bills, so to speak.

Long explanation. (I look pretty pathetic in it, I apologize for that.)
I'm sorry I started making The Intoxicating Flavor. TIF is a game with a long storyline, complex dialogues, well-developed characters and high-quality rendering. Well, or at least that's how I intended this game. The problem is that I myself was not ready to make a game of this size and complexity. Now I understand that. I should have started with something simpler, with a game in which I would not have to constantly think over every word, and redo each frame several times. It was necessary first to earn some money, buy the necessary equipment, and then take on a big project.

Let me explain. I've been doing TIF for two and a half years now. During this time, I barely released 6 chapters, out of about 15-16. Can you imagine? I have not done even half of my plan! At this rate, I will finish the game for another 4-5 years! You yourself understand that this is not normal, especially for a game where the main feature is the plot.

How did it happen? Well, when I created the game, I didn't think about money at all. That is, I did not think that they would be the main problem. I naively believed that in the first year I could completely update my computer, in the second I could leave my job, and in the third year I could hire a few people to help. XD Yes, yes, yes, I know, too cocky. But I believed that if you constantly improve the quality of the picture and text, then people will notice and support the game. I honestly thought that I could make game development my main business, that I could spend 8 hours a day on it, working calmly, and not like now, returning home tired after work and with the last bit of strength to work 4-6 hours, falling asleep at the computer...

The reality turned out to be more disappointing. In the first month I was able to earn $ 21, in the second $ 66, taking into account the fact that I spent $ 750 on the translation of 1 chapter... And in the third month I again had to pay for the translation of the second chapter. Well, am I not an idiot? Perhaps then I should have realized that something went wrong. In general, until August last year, I was in the red. And then I decided that if a year later, in August 2020, I don't have $ 1000 of support per month, then there is no point in continuing the game, I simply cannot do it. This is why I was very upset when support dropped so much at the end of August.

And in addition to the transfer, during these two years, I burned 2 video cards (for one I was refunded money under warranty), I had to update my computer, I got a serious spine disease due to the fact that I sit at the computer at work and after work. And all this has driven me into such debts that I still can't pay them off, especially the loan I took out for the operation.

But you say, "Now you have $ 900 of support, that's a lot!" This is really very, very much, but I do not have such support, this is a one-time help. Next month it will be $ 700, and another month $ 500, and here I am again fighting for survival. But even $ 900 is not enough to fully focus on the game.

This is what I want to achieve - by the end of 2021, make the creation of the game your main work, and in 2022, completely finish the TIF. I don't know any other way. Making the game for another 5 years is crazy. Well, either give up on the quality that I've been striving for for 3 years and release updates as quickly as possible. Which I really don't want.

I tried never to say it, but it's stupid to get off the subject now. I need a lot of support to continue making the game. Very large. But not from you. You've already done more than I could have hoped for. Thanks to you, I was able to hold out for so long. And I can't ask you for more. Every time someone signs up for $ 10-20-40, I get scared. It's a lot of money for me, and that someone is giving it to me is a bit discouraging. All I want to do now is bring as many new players to the game as possible. So I want to stop, fix the mistakes I made at the very beginning, and try to understand how other developers were able to attract so much attention to themselves, and then make a new start.

And here's what I want to ask you: Don't forget about the game. It will be a very long 4 months, but when the game starts coming out again, at least try to play it again. And if you also recommend it to someone, I will be super-grateful. <3 Yes! And check out the demo of the new game, which I will release in late October, early November. Maybe this is my new masterpiece!

Hm... It turned out a lot of text, and I'm not sure that I was able to convey my thoughts correctly… I hope I could. If you have any questions, please ask them.

P.S. I understand that one of the reasons for the low support is that I do not communicate much with the audience. I write few posts, but, firstly, I always tried to devote all my free time to work on the update, and secondly, most of the audience of the game communicate in English, which I know awfully. I always write messages and posts through Google translator, and then I also try to correct this translation. :) Therefore, I usually do not respond to comments for a long time and do not write news. I tried to take a tutor and learn the language, which I now have to know, but it costs $ 200 per month. Now for me this is an impossible amount, since I have to pay the loan for the operation and constantly buy medicine. So I apologize for constantly pulling the news to the last. The main thing is to remember that every message, comment, review, I read. Thanks for leaving them. :-*
lambda (30 сентября 2020 04:40) №227
About version 0.6

This update will have a little bit of everything. I think the update will be very good and interesting. But I remember thinking the same way about the past. And we remember how many people left after it. So I'd better shut up and hope for the best.

As you probably guessed, there will be no update this month. I think it will be ready around 7-10. I didn't expect Liv's scene to be so big and difficult to render. But even if it were a little lighter, I still would not have had time, since I decided to add another scene at the end of the chapter. I think it fits well.

I promised to share my thoughts on what will happen to the game after the release of Chapter 6. But since the update didn't come out until the end of the month, I think I should explain myself now. After all, many people have a subscription, and they think they should renew it or not. I'll write a post tomorrow after I get back from the hospital. The post will be big and very emotional. Get ready!

P.S. thank you for still being with me.
Erwin (15 сентября 2020 17:12) №226
Ребят если у кого есть фотки но или Лив залейте пжл сюда
lambda (8 сентября 2020 18:51) №225
Вижу гугл перевод) карты/maps... RTX плакаль в сторонке.
Печально, что у ещё одного хорошего разработчика возникают непреодолимые проблемы.
Ждём 0.6 и новостей о будущем.
lambda (8 сентября 2020 01:55) №224

Hi, everybody. Long ago there is nothing wrote, I want to share with you the news and thoughts.

About version 0.5.7

Judging by the fact that 20% of my patrons unsubscribed from me at the beginning of the month, the update was bad. OK. I understand you and draw conclusions. I won't make that mistake again.

About version 0.6

There's not much to tell. Because I haven't even started doing it properly. I have been rendering 2 animations for the last ten days, starting from August 28, 204 frames, one hour of rendering per frame. I haven't slept properly for 10 nights because of the computer noise. There's still a night left and I'll finish it. Fuck, I can finally sleep… After that, I will immediately start rendering the main images. There is already a queue for 25 pieces.

Until the end of the month, I think I will be in time. Although I'm not sure - there will be scenes in which there will be not enough video memory again... In general, I will hope that I will be in time.

About the NVIDIA presentation.

I think all the developers who work with DAZ Studio watched the NVIDIA presentation. We all use only this company's products. And I'm happy for those developers who can afford these maps! Increased productivity by 2-3 times – this is very cool! The only thing I regret is that my backlog will increase even more.

Naturally, I cannot afford these video cards. RTX 3070 is useless for me, as it has the same 8 GB of video memory, this is not enough. The 3080 already has 10 GB, which is slightly better, but it will also have a price in Russia of at least $ 900. Plus you will need to buy a new power supply and a new large case with good airflow. That's another 400-500 dollars. For reference, in August I was able to receive only $ 400, after paying for the translation into English, and other bills. And it was the best month ever! Well, I don't think it's worth talking about 3090.


In General, now I want to ask you about one thing – unsubscribe from me. Chapter 6 is likely to be the last Chapter for the next few months. I won't go into much detail now, but I'll explain everything after the Chapter is finished.

Good luck and be healthy.

Sorry that it is written so crumpled, I am really very, very tired and want to sleep. One more night left to hold out...

P.S. If after you unsubscribe from me, you decide to support someone else, please support someone who has few patrons. They need your help more than giants with thousands of earnings. Perhaps this will save their games.

Here is a small list of people you can support:




But that, of course, is up to you!

P. P. S. Funny, I noticed that in this list were those with whom I started making the game at the same time. We have just a few days difference in the release of the first version of the game. And everyone has such low support! Apparently, may 2018 was a very bad time to launch the game, huh?!
312 Комментариев
