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lambda (4 февраля 2023 19:00) №362
Quick Info

Hey everyone,
As the title says here's some quick info about the progress.

What's being done:
Right now we are finishing up writing the remaining scenes. The amount of dialogue in this update is fucking nuts. 3 people on the team writes various amounts of scenes and don't worry, I'm writing the least amount.
I've finished the renders and animations I needed to make for the scenes. And holy shit it was a LOT. But I'm happy to say, it's some of my best work, ever.
I have a couple more days of writing left to do, and in the meantime, the others on the team are starting to test - which will take some time because of all the new content and systems we are putting in. A lot of the back-end is reworked. And unless we set everything up perfectly the first time, we'll have to iterate and optimize, especially the Affection Point system (not grindy but not meaningless).

What's left to do:
I'm adding chats/events to the in-game phone to make it a core part of the game. By my current estimates, it will go over 100 chats, where in some of them you'll also get some pics from the girls. Once Risael has enough time he will help out if I'm too slow with this, but I think I got it.
I need to do the usual QA pass on the renders and fix the ones that are wrong, same with the animations.
I need to make some additional renders that are needed for some of the new features the other members of the team implemented. (These are really just a few, don't panic.)
And again, testing, testing, testing.
But man, I'm excited, we're so close now!
And once again, join the Discord server if you have questions or just wanna know what's up in the day to day. You can join by clicking here.

And as always, thank you for your awesome support!
-Dr Sin
lambda (31 декабря 2022 23:25) №361
Happy New Year!

lambda (31 декабря 2022 13:20) №360
Midnight Paradise 0.17 Last Preview

Hey everyone
As promised, a set of preview images are here from the upcoming 0.17 release of Midnight Paradise.
If you have been wondering why I haven't posted for a long time, it is because of the mean spirited comments.

For those people, let me just say this: You don't know how long it takes to make a game, even if it's a simple one like mine. You have no idea how much work goes into this. I haven't been slacking off. Everyone on the team works hard to put out this huge update. Posting updates and getting comments like that makes me not want to post updates.

Now, about the release, we are over the 2 000 renders mark, over 130 animations, and (as you can see from the previews) Ruby's storyline will progress significantly as promised, not just the sandbox stuff.
This is where her routes will fork, based on your actions and choices with her throughout the game.
I tried to make both routes equally hot. I think I managed to do that.

This is the last set of previews before the release. 50 preview images altogether for 0.17, All different scenes. And of course there is stuff I haven't shown here.

Well, I'll see if I'll have some time tomorrow to make a render for New Year's Eve, but if not, well, I hope you'll have a Happy New Year!
-Dr Sin
lambda (26 декабря 2022 08:52) №359
Вы не поверите, но вот это платная половина поздравления:

lambda (25 декабря 2022 09:10) №358
Merry Christmas (Public Version)

I hope you guys are having a fantastic holiday season this year.
(Patreon is auto-flagging this post as nudity, but being a sexy, busty MILF in lingerie doesn't make it nudity. Bad bot.) For the actually unclothed version, see the patron only post.

After Christmas I'll do a development update post.
Until then, have some eggnog (do people still do that?) and I'll see you next week.
Diablo18 (14 ноября 2022 15:51) №357
обнова будет на игру?
lambda (20 октября 2022 08:20) №356
Midnight Paradise 0.17 Preview 23

I heard you guys like tits!
Finally will come a point when Isabel won't just send you away when you talk to her in the bathroom.
And of course the obligatory sunbathing scene. That's a big event, renders in 3 digits for that one.
Have a great weekend and see you in next week's post!
lambda (16 октября 2022 15:28) №355
Midnight Paradise 0.17 Preview 22

Taking a quick peek while becoming one with nature is totally okay, right? Meditating is all about awareness and focus after all
lambda (8 октября 2022 13:28) №354
Midnight Paradise 0.17 Preview 21

That dick won't just stay between her asscheeks ;)
In Isabel's picture - in that scene she will put on a little show. I made alternate versions for a black and a white outfit, just for fun.
Have a great weekend guys!

Когда люди научатся скачивать картинки с патреона, а не постить ломающиеся ссылки на превьюшки, тогда будет всем счастье)
TheDemos (7 октября 2022 23:33) №353
19 превьюшку забыли?
lambda (6 октября 2022 18:31) №352
Midnight Paradise 0.17 Preview 20

Hot and steamy, just how I like it!
Might need to work on her hair color in the first image, not sure if I messed it up or just the lighting and wet effect playing some tricks on me.
But man... that butt! I hope you guys like it!
lambda (4 октября 2022 19:13) №351
Midnight Paradise - Development Update #54

Hey everyone

It's been a while. Some things happened lately and I decided to go quiet until things are resolved. It took more time than expected, but here we are.
Patreon's Trust & Safety team has paid us a visit (figuratively) and as a result some scenes from Midnight Paradise had to be removed. The builds have been updated to include this change. If you want more information, feel free to ask your questions on our Discord server.

Now that that's resolved, let's see what news we have.
I keep the renders and animations piling up, which is good. The count is over 1500 renders and over 100 animations currently. And I'm not done yet. But now I'm close to the finish line with the renders and animations.
Currently we have 15,000 words of dialogue written for the new update, a thousands more coming in each week from our new writer on the team now that he's fit into the pipeline.
I've been spending a lot of time with Isabel lately. Last week I finished a massive scene with her and man... It's gonna be a nice and eventful one with her. Licking, sucking, more licking, and sex. And of course more sex. Based on the route you go with her, you'll get some different content here.
Anyways, you can see the updated stats below and with things resolved I'm hoping to get back to a regular posting schedule.
I'll keep the previews rolling.

Current Progress:
Total Number of Tasks: 143
Incomplete Tasks: 82
Completed Tasks: 61 (was 46 in the previous update)
New Tasks added this week: 0
Render Count: 1546
Animation Count: 104

And as always, thank you for your generous support!
-Dr Sin
77713777 (10 сентября 2022 06:07) №350
Никто не знает когда 0.17 выйдет?
lambda (5 сентября 2022 04:21) №349
Midnight Paradise 0.17 Preview 18

You can probably guess the reason of her bliss
lambda (27 августа 2022 19:35) №348
lambda (25 августа 2022 09:12) №347
Midnight Paradise 0.17 Preview 15

Quick shower together? Better clean every inch...
lambda (23 августа 2022 06:12) №346
Development Update #52

Hey everyone

Just checking in, I'm not dead, etc. Although I've been pretty consistent lately with the posts, about 4 a week. Hope that's okay. I know you want the release, and it will come when it's ready. As usual.

The week's work was a bit more animation heavy as I made 19 new animations since my last dev update post and 178 new renders. Speaking of renders, that brings us over 1,100 renders for the upcoming release - as of right now. Will the animation count reach 100+ ? That's 100%. Will the renders reach 2,000? Would be nice to hit that in a single update. We'll see how it goes.
Just wanna let you know in advance that there won't be a dev update next Monday, because I'll be taking a couple of days off to rest. I'll keep the previews rolling this week though.

Total Number of Tasks: 143
Incomplete Tasks: 97
Completed Tasks: 46 (was 42 in the previous update)
New Tasks added this week: 0
New Renders this week: 178
Render Count: 1113
New Animations this week: 19
Animation Count: 78

And as always, thank you for your awesome support!
-Dr Sin
Ani_Mak (21 августа 2022 15:01) №345
Помогите столкнулся с проблемой: не могу сменить язык версия 0.11 в меню только английский. Может как то в файлах поменять можно
lambda (21 августа 2022 07:37) №344
lambda (6 августа 2022 10:03) №343
JN91 (25 июля 2022 02:25) №342
Joyce 3
lambda (24 июля 2022 21:00) №341
lambda (15 июля 2022 20:12) №340
[color=#990000]Development Update #48[/color]

Hey everyone

Just wanna post a quick progress report.

I've been working on renders and animation since the last progress report 1 week ago. I'm still working on Joyce's content. I guess that makes everyone happy. I'll try to speed things up even more. I'll probably take half the day off tomorrow to handle some company stuff then continue to work on the weekend.

Her next bit of content will be fast to make, but then we are getting into tricky scenes again. The Coffee scene will be the hardest one I imagine, so I'm inclined to leave that for last, but I think I'll try to push through that early instead so I'm done with the hard ones... Mostly. I'm doing a fast one next because her last scene kind of drained me with the animations and lots of mirrors in the scene.

We have applications for the writer position and we are currently doing the selection process. Hopefully we'll have a new team member soon, who can then start writing the scenes I'm already done with.
That will be a tremendous amount of help, because there won't be a ton of scenes waiting for me to write when I'm done with all the renders. It will save a lot of time and most likely you'll enjoy some better quality writing than my own. I should have hired someone ages ago, right?

Yes, but then again I always thought I'll just do it because then I don't have to explain the story and how the scenes should go and just write it myself quickly. I'm not good at writing, but I'd say I'm a fast writer. That definitely shows on the quality. So I'm finally letting it go and let someone who does writing best do it, while I focus on what I do best - the renders.

That's all for now, I'll be back next week with a new progress report. Stats below

Total Number of Tasks: 144
Incomplete Tasks: 122
Completed Tasks: 22
New Tasks added this week: 0
Render Count: 261
Animation Count: 12

And as always, thank you for your amazing support!
-Dr Sin
lambda (8 июля 2022 09:33) №339
[color=#990000]Development Update #47[/color]

Hey everyone

I thought a lot about how to make progress reports in these development updates much more tangible. I think I already mentioned it in one of my previous posts. For now, my idea is that each week I'll make a post here with some numbers that are easy to see and follow. I'll put the format below with actual numbers. The format is subject to change in the future, but I think it will be good enough for now.

Since we are using that new project management tool, we have tasks now we can count. You will see a lot of incomplete tasks, but keep in mind tasks vary in size. Meaning some tasks require very little time to complete, while others could take days or weeks. You will also see the total number of tasks increasing, as we add more things to the "To Do List".

On my end, the rendering workflow is on-going and the render counts will keep ramping up as I'm finishing some of the core tasks that require a lot of my time. The hardest part of this massive update is 90% done now, which was planning all the events, the modifications, the new systems and how they would fit together.

We have completed our new event handler system. Since we are adding so much new content and basically revamping the gameplay, this needed to be done. With this new event handler the work to implement scenes into the gameplay and the gallery/scene replay will be much, much faster. Easily cuts time required by 80% which will speed up the overall release process.

Each of the main girls will have 13-15 new activities in the sandbox in the 0.17 update. They will each have various "levels" to them - as you progress and get more Affection Points, you will unlock more of those levels. You will get Affection Points by doing these activities, among other things. (And the activities will be pretty hot, so no grinding needed.)

On average, 8-10 levels for these activities. Depending on the activity and level, these range from mini-scenes to scenes comparable to regular story scenes. If you do some quick math, that might give you an idea about the scope of this update. Then there are the side characters... I'll leave it at that for now.

Currently I'm working on scenes for Joyce. Preview images will be in separate posts from now on.

Now one more thing: We are hiring!
We are hiring a writer for the team. We are looking for someone who can write good and witty dialogue, has professional writing experience and can show us some of their previous works.
English has to be their first language, preferably someone from the US.

If the description fits you and you want to join the team, join our Discord server at https://discord.gg/lewdlab and send a DM to Risael.

Last time we were in need of programmers, posting it to Patreon helped and we managed to hire 2 people. Hopefully we'll find our new team member soon.

Now here are the initial stats. These don't include tasks that have been already completed before we started using the project management tool. I will update this next week.
Total Number of Tasks: 144
Incomplete Tasks: 125
Completed Tasks: 19
New Tasks added this week: N/A
Render Count: 194
Animation Count: 0
Once we hit 0 incomplete tasks the release will be ready. None of the "release when" type of questions will be answered otherwise than with this.

I know it's taking a long time. This is also an update many times the size of a regular one, including a whole redesign of the flow of the gameplay, among a LOT of other things. So, bear with us, please. It will be worth it.
That's all for now and I hope I managed to give you guys some insight with this post.

And as always, huge thanks for all your support!
-Dr Sin
Uday (7 июля 2022 14:16) №338
New post is up.
Let us know what it reveals.
lambda (14 июня 2022 20:40) №337
[color=#990000]Development Update #46[/color]

Hey everyone

As you may have already heard on discord, I had to troubleshoot my PC quite a bit recently. It was overheating, because it was still on air cooling - at least the GPUs. One of them kept crashing the whole system because it reached dangerous temps. So I did what I postponed for a long time, built my first custom liquid cooling loop. Well, it wasn't easy, but it worked out in the end. Now both 3090s and the CPU is on water. It actually came with a nice performance increase because there is no thermal throttling at all now. This post would have come a week sooner, but the computer was still in pieces that time. Once I get the D-RGB situation in the case sorted (waiting for a splitter/controller to arrive) I'll post some pictures of the rig on discord.

Now onto the development news.
What I've been doing recently: Adopted a proper project management tool that will make the team's work more streamlined, will make communication easier and will result in overall faster completion time for work. With this I might be able to provide some status reports later in the forms of tasks remaining until release. We'll experiment and see how that goes.

I organized all the character files to speed up my workflow - this will save a lot of time in the future. It was getting chaotic and now everything is streamlined.
While I was at it I added new outfits for the ladies. Almost everyone is getting some new regular clothes, lingerie, bikini and some special stuff too. This is probably the most requested thing - to have more outfits in the game. You can see some of these in the preview images above, and there are a lot more.

I continued the work on backgrounds. I added variations to them where I could to make the game feel a bit more dynamic.
Example: Ruby will be doing various tasks in the office. When she's in her bedroom, sleeping in the morning she will be under the cover as she is now. On Saturdays however, she will be all naked without the covers after a night out partying.
Once you get close enough to her, you can convince her to always sleep nude like that. That will open up different options with her in the mornings when she's sleeping in.|
Again, with Joyce, once you're close enough with her, you can convince her that sunbathing topless is a much better idea than in full bikini. Once you have that unlocked, you will be able to toggle it in the game.
(These are illustrated above in the images section.)

And that takes me to the system that will control all this. I mentioned in my previous post that I'm going to share more information about how the new Sandbox Scenes will work.

There are already some points you can accumulate in the game, either for Connor or for the girls. Mainly, Connor's morality stat changes based on your decisions. Isabel has a lust stat, which determines which route you take with her (romantic or lustful) or Ruby's influence stat, which will affect how much you can influence her to become less of a brat and more obedient.

With the 0.17 update we will be introducing the Affection Points system - AP for short. Affection Points will serve the purpose of determining how close you are to a certain character and in turn what options you have in the sandbox.

You will gain affection points by interacting with the characters in the sandbox, on your phone and even in some story scenes. Once you get enough points, new options unlock for you in the sandbox. But once you hit a cap on the APs you can acquire, you have to complete more story scenes with the character. Reaching milestones in the story scenes will raise the AP cap for that character. That means you can start gaining more APs with them and you will unlock more scenes in the sandbox. This is in place so you cannot get to the sex scenes in sandbox mode while you are only at the beginning of the character's story scenes.

This will provide a balanced experience of the straightforward story scenes with some exploration in sandbox.

The post is getting lengthy again so this will be it for now.
I know this is a long wait. But this is the largest and most complex update for Midnight Paradise to date. In my opinion, this will make it into a much, much better game overall when it comes to the final product and it is important to do this right.

Next, I will be talking about the dialogue and phone system expansions. Until then, take care guys!

And as always, thank you for your great support!
-Dr Sin
sashapqrid (24 мая 2022 23:44) №336
Русский добавили в последних версиях?
JN91 (15 мая 2022 23:34) №335
Все таки у игры довольно четкие и отрисованые картинки, а не как у некоторых игр, высокое разрешения нет замыленности, и пойдет... Больше на мясо похоже
lambda (15 мая 2022 17:22) №334
[color=#990000]Hey everyone[/color]

We are working on the 0.17 update and that is what I wanna share some details about.
It started as just a regular update, but then I got to planning the cool things I wanted to add for a long time now. So I just kept going and we have a huge update on our hands. I don't mind it, because I'm finally going to add the stuff I should have done a long time ago.
We're expanding the sandbox aspect of the game to be actually meaningful.

So what does that mean in practice?
It means that there is a proper timetable for each character at Harding Residence, for each day of the week. (And not just them, but more about that another time)
So, for example, Joyce on Wednesdays will be:
Having coffee in the Kitchen in the Morning
At Work in the Afternoon
Bathing in the Bathroom in the Evening
Sleeping in her Bedroom at Night
Kind of the usual stuff. But let's look at her Saturday:
Sunbathing by the Pool in the Morning
Reading a book in the Livingroom in the Afternoon
You can catch her again in the Bathroom in the Evening
Sleeping in her Bedroom at Night
And as you can see on the images above, there are multiple actions in the rooms, so on Friday for example, Joyce will be getting ready in the bathroom instead of bathing, Ruby has 3 kinds of activity in the bathroom, and so on. You can see the pool will be a lot more popular, especially around the weekend, where the girls will spend some time in the sun in various ways.
Some of these items on the timetable will also change dynamically based on the story. For example: Ruby doesn't have a job in the beginning, but once she starts working in the boutique, you will find her there, working (when she actually bothers to get to work) and later on when she starts to work for Connor, she will be found at the office.
Now, why is this important?
Because each time you see one of the girls, you will be able to trigger a scene with them. And not just a "one off". It will be a scene that will evolve the closer you are to the girl.
For example, at the beginning of the game, when you enter the bathroom with one of the girls inside, you will most likely get yelled at and be asked to leave. But after getting on their good sides a bit, you can enter the bathroom while they are in there, hop in the bathtub and shower together and... I think you can guess where that is going ;)
And this isn't for just the bathroom. I came up with some perverted or sexy fun for each of the activities the girls do. And you will be able to progress each of these scenes.
These will be called the "Sandbox Scenes" from now on. As to the regular Story Scenes, those will be triggered on their own with a new system, that won't automatically start the scene once you enter the room, so it won't interrupt you if you are out for some of the Sandbox Scenes at the time.
Now, the goal here is to make sure I don't spend thousands of hours on these new Sandbox Scenes because I actually would like to finish Midnight Paradise one day. So these will be short and sweet - the way they should be in my opinion. We don't need 15 renders of putting sunscreen on Ruby's back. But when we get to the good parts (sunscreen on tits for example), I'll make sure to spend the correct amount of time on it.
And most of these scenes will progress all the way - so eventually, hot and steamy sex. (But first, you will have to get there with them in the Story Scenes)
I'll make sure to put extra attention on those ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And just one more thing to mention: The plan for this update was to focus on Ruby, and I'm not gonna abandon that, so that will still go into the update and we will continue her storyline.
This post is already getting really long, so I will talk about these in later posts:
- How to get to the "next level" or how to progress the Sandbox Scenes
- Changes to the in-game map
- Heavily expanding the phone content
- Expanding dialogue and choices throughout the whole game
- Possible UI changes

So as you can see, the 0.17 update is going to be a massive one, but this is the most inspiring so far. Feels like I'm making a new game:) That of course comes with a lot of planning and the 'logistics' of it, but we're getting there.
I'll post more renders until then, I'll bring some spicy ones too.

And as always, huge thanks for your great support!
-Dr Sin
Uday (14 мая 2022 14:22) №333
A new post has been there.Could someone spare the details.Thanks!!
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